4404: Sold my exquisite infernal black diamond necklace to vendor

Reported by Louiedawg at Mon, 21 Aug 2017 02:40:42 UTC
gamemechanic bug


I sold my exquisite infernal black diamond necklace to the medallion vendor at CS by mistake, I was unable to purchase it back.

Reproduction Steps

1. unable to buy back items that are sold
2. should not be able to vendor black diamond items

Intended Behavior

ability to purchase back or preventative measure to stop accidental selling


I'm not tech savey to do any of this, I would like my neck back if possible but otherwise just a notification that this is intended that u can be punished this hard for missclicking


Issue was invalid:
Player mistake is not a bug
0 players say this report is valid, 1 disagrees


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