0046: /Stats displays "Mobs killed" as double the value

Reported by ☆☆ Bountyhuntr at Sat, 07 May 2016 18:26:17 UTC
gamemechanic bug
4 votes


I encountered the /stats function displaying "Mobs killed" as twice the actual amount. For example:

1 mob killed = "2 Mobs kills".

Reproduction Steps

1. Typing /stats
2. Kill a mob
3. Typing /stats

Intended Behavior

The original source it seems does not have the added statistics for PVE so I do not know how this should be fixed.

It is displaying double the value it should.


In the screenshot provided, /stats has been typed and the "Mobs killed" statistic displays "30". After killing a mob, this value is now "32".


issue was resolved by Genjiro


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