4609: [Mentalist] Sever the tether should also be a target spell

Reported by ★★★ Hadoukeen at Wed, 31 Jan 2018 15:33:55 UTC
gamemechanic bug
3 votes


Currently on Uthgard the Mentalist realm ability Sever the Tether (STT) is a ground target only spell.
It should also be possible to click a target and launch Sever the Tether from this target.
This will make it much easier for the Mentalist to use the RA.

Reproduction Steps

1. log in a mentalist
2. spec the realm ability Sever the Tether
3. see that you need a ground target to launch it.

Intended Behavior

Make it possible to click a target and then launch STT from there instead of only allowing it to be a ground target spell.


Here are different quotes from a french forum. I post the google translate version here:

Quote 1
this ra is not a ground targeting spell.

Quote 2
Obviously if you do not target anything, it will work anyway and the center of the area of ​​effect will be on you.

Quote 3
is a zonne spell and no matter who you are targeting if in the surrounding radius it finds a fart that attak its master and it affects all the fart surrounding the target person.

Quote 4
"Here is Some hard data:
- Insta-Cast
- 1500 Range
- 1000 radius
- Can be cast is MOBs and enemy players / pets.
- I use real targets, I have not tried ground targetting.
- If you use Tether and there are no enemy pets in the radius blast, the timer is set to 3s
- If you use Tether and there are enemies in the radius blast, the timer is set to 15min. "
I thought it only worked by targeting the ground.
You thought it only worked by targeting a player.
In fact we can use 2 ways (must admit that target a player c simpler in most cases: p)


issue has been confirmed
votes (priority): 3
3 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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