0488: The /Ignore command does not work

Reported by ☆ Biscuits at Thu, 12 May 2016 12:06:18 UTC
gamemechanic bug
3 votes


When using the /ignore command on a player I was still able to see his messages. Also When I try to send a player a message that I have on ignore this message pops up GamePlayer.Send.target.DontUnderstandYou.

Reproduction Steps

1. Find a player on the same realm
2. Add player to /ignore list
3. Have him message you to see if it worked or not.

Intended Behavior

I'm no coder but I'd look for some sort of value or true false in the ignore / chat section that should change when added to someones ignore list.


There is nothing more I can say I'm still receiving messages from players in game that I have on my /ignore list.


issue was resolved by Nayru
16 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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