4972: task midgard kill meandering spirit

Reported by 🌟 Pushup at Wed, 10 Nov 2021 15:57:25 UTC
worldbuild bug


meandering spirits are a night spawn (after 20:00 pm, if implemented correctly). I got the task at daytime and couldn't find any meandering spirits at daytime

Reproduction Steps

1. start a new character at Haggerfel (ie cobold shaman)
2. get level 2
3. at daytime ask Dwarven Guard Rinda for a task (you may have to die several times till she gives you a task to kill a meandering spirit)
3. try to find one at daytime

Intended Behavior

task giver should only give tasks for active mobs. I'm not sure, whether it's more like a feature request, cause live server doesn't run at 1.65


Not sure whether it's a bug, but it would clearly be helpful. Not everyone tends to bloodgate, just because he cannot fulfill a task :)


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Closed by reporter
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