4992: battleground loot list buggy

Reported by 🌟 Pushup at Mon, 17 Jan 2022 11:45:29 UTC
gamemechanic bug


mobs in battlegrounds can only drop bag of coins OR rog items (rarely 2at once) or nothing at all.
They never drop both at one time. And they never drop (small/large/big) chests, even if linked

Reproduction Steps

1. kill mobs in battlegrounds
2. try to get a bag of coins AND a rog item
2a. try to get a small/large/big chest

Intended Behavior

mobs should be able to drop bag of coins AND rog items AND chests


afaik they should work like mobs from frontier


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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