0005: XP/Vista OS does Not Support TLS 1.2 (which is required)

Reported by ☆ Hasticus at Fri, 06 May 2016 18:00:38 UTC
launcher bug


I am on a Vista 64-bit OS machine with the most up to date MS patches possible (SP2). I am unable to launch the Uthgard Launcher, "theKrokodil" from the Uthgard Forum asked that I put in a Issue Tracker report. He stated if enough demand was placed that he would consider lowering security level to TLS 1.0 so XP/Vista machines could run the Uthgard Launcher. If unfixed, not only XP users, but apparnetly Vista users will not be able to play Uthgard.

Reproduction Steps

1. Vista OS 64-bit
2. Fully update (including .net Framework 4.6)
3. Run Uthgard Launcher, see error

Intended Behavior

Lowering the security level to TLS 1.0 will presumably fix the issue as stated by "theKrokodil" on the Uthgard forum.


Issue was invalid:
duplicate with #0006
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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