5016: pets broken after out of view range

Reported by 🌟 Pushup at Wed, 11 Jan 2023 09:10:29 UTC
gamemechanic bug
0 confirmations


I placed my animist main pet and attacked a mob with the aid of my pet. i ran away outaide view range. When i came back my main pet was broken. It denied any commands, just standing there. I had to summon a new one

Reproduction Steps

1. Place a animist main pet
2. Rum out of view range
3. Come back and try to control your main pet

Intended Behavior

The main pet should be comtrollable again, when in view range


I never met this issue on live


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 3 more confirmations
votes (priority): 1
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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