0538: Glimer Ardent stops working if you mezz them when they cast

Reported by ☆☆☆ Hiois at Fri, 13 May 2016 00:49:53 UTC
gamemechanic bug


After a Aggro (i.e. casting) Glimmert Ardent gets mezzed he completly stops attacking after he comes out of the mezz, even if you atack him he does not move or fight back

Reproduction Steps

Pull a Glimmer Griever.
Wait for him to Cast.
Mezz him.
Wait for mezz to finish / start atacking him

Intended Behavior

They should continue to cast / Attack after a mezz is broken.


Well no real Proof other then a mob should not stop to attack/fightback after a mezz. they are easy Xp / Absuable otherwise.


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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