0594: Instant Spells break casting queue

Reported by ☆☆ s5t at Sat, 14 May 2016 10:58:37 UTC
gamemechanic bug
1 votes


If you cast an instant spell while you're casting a normal one and after you cast immediately, while still casting the first, another spell with casting time, the latter doesn't enter in the casting queue; instead, the toon starts immediately to cast it together to the first one. The result is that you cast the two spells simulatenously.

Reproduction Steps

1. Start Casting a spell with casting time
2. Cast an instant spell
3. Start Casting the second spell with casting time
4. See the two spell casted simultaneosly

Intended Behavior

The second spell with casting time should be put in the casting queue like it correctly happens when you cast the two spell without an instant one between.


It's a bug because this behaviour is not present in live servers and keeping it in this way makes every nukers extremely dangerous as they can unleash damage two times quickier


issue was resolved by Nayru
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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