0640: Grjotgard attacks other players while going back to his spot

Reported by ☆☆ Xalagh at Sun, 15 May 2016 08:33:06 UTC
worldbuild bug
2 confirmations


A player aggroed grjotgard, then escaped out from Vendo's Caverns. Grjotgard attacked other players (who were not in group with the one that aggroed Grjotgard) while coming back to his spot. No hits were done against him, he just attacked the other players like a normal aggro

Reproduction Steps

1. place a player near vendo's caverns' entrance
2. aggro Grjotgard with another player not grouped with the first one, then go out of the dungeon
3. see grjotgard attacking the player standing near the entrance

Intended Behavior

Mobs should not aggro players who didn't pull them while they are going back to thei camps


This issue is very easy to proof, just do the same thing with any other monster in the game. moreover on uthgard 1.0 it has never worked like this


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 1 more confirmations
votes (priority): 0
2 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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