0756: svartalf chanter in myrkwood does not attack back

Reported by Chazoo at Tue, 17 May 2016 01:56:24 UTC
worldbuild bug
3 confirmations


srartalf chanter at 42k, 59k in myrkwood forest did not attack back or react when attacked

Reproduction Steps

1. go to 42k, 59k in myrkwood forest
2. attack svartalf chanter near longhouse entrance
3. she sits there and takes it

Intended Behavior

she should either attack back or try to cast, she did neither.


i think mobs should probably attack back. It seems there are relatively few of these, but still a problem.


issue is new, and needs confirmation
requires 0 more confirmations
votes (priority): 0
3 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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