0795: Weeping Willow - Myrkwood - Midgard

Reported by ☆☆☆ Stromaxe at Tue, 17 May 2016 21:33:42 UTC
worldbuild bug


Some Weeping Willow in Myrkwood Forest - Midgard do not inc as they should when pulled example loc : 15000 - 16000, they walk, stop, walk, stop,... in place of walking/runnning continuosly

Reproduction Steps

1. find the spot in Myrkwood
2. pull a weeping willow
3. do it again till the problem comes up (1 on the 2 experience inc problem)

Intended Behavior

Should inc fluidly/continuosly and not stop, only to cast but not as we experienced


some are doing it, others not, but as to inc properly or it could be bug exploit to exp easily


Issue was invalid:
Not Reproducible
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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