0829: Hib - Dungeon Teleporters "Treibh Caillte" are broken

Reported by ☆☆ Frostbeule at Wed, 18 May 2016 11:45:06 UTC
worldbuild bug
1 votes


I try to test the Quest "Immortal Gift" #Step 8 - kill a named spider called Pericolias.

I ve found the bug while using the teleporters to travel from room to room (necessary for Quest).

I get Systemmessage "Error: Target zonepoint not found!" while standing on the teleporter.

Reproduction Steps

1. make your way down to Treibh Caillte
2. step on one of the teleporters
3. kill the rockgolem
4. wait for teleport

Intended Behavior

Both teleporters are linked to 2x rooms, but at the moment just one of these room can be reached. The other one needs to be linked aswell.


Map with Teleporter and linked Zones:



issue was resolved by Trishin
4 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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