0856: Mob "mist sheerie" doesn't attack

Reported by ★ Kamikaze at Thu, 19 May 2016 01:45:15 UTC
gamemechanic bug


i was exploring lough derg and found some "dew sheerie" in a lake around loc=63121,52795, when i pulled one it stumbled towards me, after moving in close i wanted to see if it could attack me and it couldn't.

Reproduction Steps

1. find a "dew sheerie".
2. pull one.
3. you will notice it not attacking back.

Intended Behavior

i think it's a pathing issue that prevents it from being able to attack, fix this and it should be able to attack back.


all other non bugged mobs attack back especially when in melee range.


Issue was invalid:
Closed by reporter
1 player says this report is valid, 0 disagree


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