0905: Quest Text Error "Bedelia's Grief"

Reported by Garrick at Fri, 20 May 2016 07:58:33 UTC
worldbuild bug
0 votes


Quest text says when talking to Sir Gleran:

"Sir Gleran says, "Greetings, <Character Name>. I am assuming you are the woman sent [by Bedelia] for the shield?"

Reproduction Steps

1. Accept Quest from Bedelia in Camelot City
2. Proceed to Humberton to speak with Sir Gleran
3. Speak with Sir Gleran

Intended Behavior

My character was male, so it should have said "man" instead of "woman".

Very minor bug but one nonetheless.


Because I am not a woman..........................


issue was resolved by Gnome
0 players say this report is valid, 0 disagree


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