Cab Specs
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I remember playing pre-toa and there was a specific build for leveling solo pve. It's been well over a decade since I have played and I can't quite remember it,however, I do remember it being matter based. Can anyone help me out?
Favorite and use this link to play with specs: From 5-20 max spirit for the pet and buffs. At lvl 20, and only while lvl 20, you get a single respec. Use this to respec to go 3 spirit (for pet recycle into mana) and max out matter for aoe dots and damage shield. Pretty much max matter until lvl 40 where you get another single respec and decide what you want to do from there. <Bushido>
Ardri - Minstrel Quickonthedraw - Cabalist Bareknucklechamp - Merc |
Duo with an Sorcerer or trio with adding a Cleric.
How do Cabby level with Sorcerer the best |
Best way to lvl with a cabby is focus pull with a wiz and a cleric
@50 rvr
Spec vs basic lifetap. If they spec 30ish body (less than 35), do you use basic og spec then? Is NS and debuff so important that you tree spec. Or can you live without one of them. Matter gives only NS Body is dps and aoe disease Sprit is debuff If i bother with debuff do i need it yellow (33) and if i want NS do i need it higher than blue (25)? Do disease, snare and debuff break root/mezz? Will it be possible to run these specs without MoF 25Matter, 34Body, 33Spirit 19Matter, 45Body, 22Spirit |
Disease breaks mezz but not root It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
Why would you go 45 body? The delve on the level 45 spec lifetap in body is less than the base lifetap in body (174 damage compared to 179 damage)? I know there is a higher percentage returned as health but I wouldn't think that would be a huge deal. Also as long as the resist rate calculations are correct on Uthgard, I don't see why trispec is not viable. If its working correct the resist rate is based on the level of the spell casted vs the level of the player/mob you are casting on...and it is supposed to be 1/2 % more resist chance for each level difference between these two numbers. That means in the 25 matter trispec your level 25 Nearsight spell should only be resisted 8% more than Nearsight would be if you were full matter specced and used the level 41 nearsight spell. I believe the overall resist rate would be 15% + (50-25)/2 = 27.5% vs a full matter specced cabby casting the level 41 nearsight of 15% + (50-41)/2 = 19.5%. This means you would go from getting one resist about ever 5 casts to one resist a little over every 4 me that just isn't that big of a deal. |
Thanks for the reply about basic spec lifetap and about tree spec. Atm i test 46 spirit for the debuff. I will level with a sorcerer and maybe a cleric.
Do you know how much INT effect damage and mana pool. Its seems from videos that power will be a huge issue. |
Yea you definitely need MCL1 and maybe even MCL2 if you still run out of power all the time. And of course always use power pots. <Bushido>
Ardri - Minstrel Quickonthedraw - Cabalist Bareknucklechamp - Merc |
Yes but the question still hasn't been answered. Are the pet buffs working properly now? they weren't before. All this spirit matter talk is useless without that answer.
Cabalist pet buffs don't work? News to me. Thought they worked just fine. <Bushido>
Ardri - Minstrel Quickonthedraw - Cabalist Bareknucklechamp - Merc |
They work. But i can't tell you if excactly as powerful as live
Fabienne - Blademaster
Junia - Bard Audrina - Ench ----- Zoe - Sorc Stella - Pala Devon - Scout |
i respeced my Cab last night at 20 to full spirit. Given the lag on a regular basis, I felt getting to 40 might be easier as spirit for the time being, AOE dotting and focus pulling is too inconsistent. I figure I will switch back to matter at 40, hoping the lag issues will be fixed at that point.
That being said, Cab buffs certainly work, I was killing yellows with ease. However, the weird thing, is the cab pet is ALSO hurt by server lag. During those brief periods where the server didn't lag, my pet went ham and destroyed yellows. With lag, unexpectedly, the pets attacks also slowed down, and yellows took about twice the amount of time. It was weird, I figured the lag would occur, and then the pet would like quad hit and catch up after the spike. It didn't, it was like the pet lost haste during the spike. Rune - Ntce
Arms - Ntco Cab - Magas Old AE Vids (Percival) (Percival) (Gareth) |
Would it be completely absurd to run a 41 matter 35 spirit 3 body spec to be average at PvE and RvR? Especially if running with a sorc or cleric duo/trio most of the time.
When does the cabby pet (speccing spirit whilst lvling early on) become good? ie capable of killing mobs without almost dying itself?
Pet feels really weak at low levels, and considering early mobs do not hit for much as well. Lv6 cabby, pet is pretty feeble tbh. Is it simply a case of use it on one mob then recycle it for a new one? |
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