Cleric Templates
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Post your Cleric templates for Uthgard
Every Template should have following short hand information at the beginning of the post: - Cheap / Normal / Expensive - Full cap or not - are all important stats, resists, skills, hp, power, focus capped or are certain things missing - MP, 99% or a mix - Jewelery hard to get or easy to get - expensive or cheap Optional: - Mob/Merchant name and location for jewelery - Moras file Don't use this thread for discussion about the templates! If you have suggestions for improvements contact the poster via pm. If you notice false information on a template, contact the poster or me via pm! Thank you! |
edit: adjusted rings
- Cheap - 1h: 12/75 strength, 0/75quick, 17/26power -2h staff: 72/75dex, 0/75quick, 17/26power, 6/11Enhancements - 99%, MP shield, 99%weapon, 99%staff - Jewelery very easy to get, DF+Quest items Switch on staff to kill druid pets etc (staff is dex only)
Last edited by pweet on Jul 12, 2016 11:59, edited 2 times in total.
take a look at the sapphire ring for clerics.
Stats before patch 1.104: Magical Bonuses: Rejuvenation: +3 pts Enhancement: +3 pts Piety: 15 pts Power: 5 50utility it's what I used in cleric temps |
Full Capped Easy Jewerly (DF + Quests) 100% Shield, rest 99% +22 Charisma to Swag around with Enjoy
It is basically the same temp as I posted but without staff. I would not recommend running without a staff build to clear pets.
your temp is missing some power res and stats even when mace + shield, but yeah i guess they are similar... i didnt forbid them crafting a staff if using my temp EDIT: answerign you here as they asked too keep the topic as clean as possible, and this conversation between you and me on who is right and who is wrogn ir rather futile to the topic purpose. I dont think attacking a pet is usually worth, and more importantly the dmg increase you get from dex(staff) vs str(mace) is gona kill a green/blue 100-0 how much faster? 3 seconds? weapon can be swapped with 1 armor piece if you dotn wanna lose con when switching to staff, but i just dotn bother tbh Last edited by Eddie on Feb 11, 2017 16:31, edited 2 times in total.
You will loose 53con by swapping to staff cause there is 28con and 25con on weapons + lacking 4slots of SC if you just swap in a staff in your build
We use the same optimizer to run the SC. If you run your s/s temp you'll end up with your temp if you run it including a 2h staff build you will end up with my template. It's not just adding a staff manually to the build. |
- Cheap
- Full cap resists, hp, power and stats including some str. Only 6 enh, with 42 enh spec it caps at RR3. No smite. - All 99% - All quest reward/DF seal Stats: Strength: 28 Emphathy: 0 Const.: 75 Int.: 0 Dexterity: 75 Piety: 75 Quickness: 0 Charisma: 0 Hitpoints: 203 Power : 26 Resists: Crush : 26 Heat : 26 Body : 28 Slash: 26 Cold : 26 Spirit : 26 Thrust: 26 Matter: 26 Energy: 26 Skills: 11 Rejuvenation 6 Enhancement Body: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 44 Hits - 99% (Polieshed) Blood Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 9 Heat - 99% (Polieshed) Heated Shielding Jewel Jewel 3: 9 Slash - 99% (Polieshed) Watery Shielding Jewel Jewel 4: 5 Thrust - 99% (Flawed) Airy Shielding Jewel Utility: 57,0 Arms: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 52 Hits - 99% (Facetted) Blood Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 7 Crush - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Shielding Jewel Jewel 3: 11 Slash - 99% (Facetted) Watery Shielding Jewel Jewel 4: 2 Spirit - 99% (Uncut) Schutzjuwel des Nebels Utility: 53,0 Head: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 25 Constitution - 99% (Flawless) Earthen Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 3 Matter - 99% (Rough) Earthen Shielding Jewel Jewel 3: 9 Cold - 99% (Polieshed) Icy Shielding Jewel Jewel 4: 19 Dexterity - 99% (Facetted) Vapor Essence Jewel Utility: 53,5 Legs: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 28 Constitution - 99% (Perfect) Earthen Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 7 Heat - 99% (Imperfect) Heated Shielding Jewel Jewel 3: 7 Matter - 99% (Imperfect) Earthen Shielding Jewel Jewel 4: 2 Rejuvenation - 99% (Uncut) Watery Fervor Sigil Utility: 56,8 Hands: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 22 Constitution - 99% (Precious) Earthen Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 7 Spirit - 99% (Imperfect) Schutzjuwel des Nebels Jewel 3: 9 Thrust - 99% (Polieshed) Airy Shielding Jewel Jewel 4: 5 Energy - 99% (Flawed) Schutzjuwel des Lichtes Utility: 56,7 Feet: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 16 Piety - 99% (Polieshed) Watery Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 9 Power - 99% (Polieshed) Mystic Essence Jewel Jewel 3: 5 Crush - 99% (Flawed) Fiery Shielding Jewel Jewel 4: 9 Cold - 99% (Polieshed) Icy Shielding Jewel Utility: 56,7 Right Hand: Imbue Points: 32,0 of 27 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30% Jewel 1: 7 Energy - 99% (Imperfect) Schutzjuwel des Lichtes Jewel 2: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel Jewel 3: 3 Rejuvenation - 99% (Rough) Watery Fervor Sigil Jewel 4: 3 Heat - 99% (Rough) Heated Shielding Jewel Utility: 53,8 Left Hand: Imbue Points: 33,0 of 27 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich Jewel 1: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel Jewel 2: 9 Matter - 99% (Polieshed) Earthen Shielding Jewel Jewel 3: 3 Spirit - 99% (Rough) Schutzjuwel des Nebels Jewel 4: 5 Thrust - 99% (Flawed) Airy Shielding Jewel Utility: 52,8 Neck: Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace (Alb) - 17 Dia Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 7 Thrust Effect 2: 7 Body Effect 3: 48 Hits Effect 4: 7 Energy Utility: 54,0 Cloak: Name: Cloak of Defiant Soul - 45 epic Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 16 Piety Effect 2: 6 Spirit Effect 3: 44 Hits Effect 4: 7 Power Utility: 47,7 Jewel: Name: Gem of Spirit Abhorrent - Danaoin Fisherman Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 7 Body Effect 2: 7 Matter Effect 3: 7 Heat Effect 4: 7 Energy Utility: 56,0 Waist: Name: Superior Accursed Belt of Might - 25 Sapp Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 12 Strength Effect 2: 6 Body Effect 3: 6 Crush Effect 4: 6 Slash Utility: 44,0 Right Ring: Name: Superior Accursed Bone Ring - 45 Sapp Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 3 Rejuvenation Effect 2: 3 Enhancement Effect 3: 15 Piety Effect 4: 5 Power Utility: 50,0 Left Ring: Name: Superior Accursed Bone Ring - 45 Sapp Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 3 Rejuvenation Effect 2: 3 Enhancement Effect 3: 15 Piety Effect 4: 5 Power Utility: 50,0 Right Wrist: Name: Veiled Bracer of Eyes - Secret Orders Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 8 Cold Effect 2: 15 Hits Effect 3: 8 Body Effect 4: 8 Spirit Utility: 51,8 Left Wrist: Name: Superior Accursed Daemon Bracer - 34 Sapp Level: 0 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Effect 1: 13 Piety Effect 2: 16 Strength Effect 3: 8 Crush Utility: 35,4 |
very cheap, armor/weapons 99%, only 1 DF item, stats with s/s (will lose 3 spirit and 5 matter resist with staff out):
Stats: Strength: 30 Emphathy: 0 Const.: 75 Int.: 0 Dexterity: 75 Piety: 75 Quickness: 0 Charisma: 0 Hitpoints: 200 Power : 18 Resists: Crush : 26 Heat : 26 Body : 26 Slash: 26 Cold : 26 Spirit : 26 Thrust: 26 Matter: 26 Energy: 26 Skills: 9 Enhancement Body: Imbue Points: 33,0 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 25 Constitution, 5 Slash, 7 Thrust, 7 Energy Arms: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 22 Constitution, 9 Crush, 5 Slash, 7 Heat Head: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 22 Piety, 9 Energy, 5 Body, 7 Matter Legs: Imbue Points: 33,0 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 13 Constitution, 52 Hits, 9 Heat, 7 Matter Hands: Imbue Points: 33,0 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 28 Piety, 9 Cold, 5 Thrust, 3 Energy Feet: Imbue Points: 33,0 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 19 Dexterity, 52 Hits, 9 Spirit, 5 Slash Right Hand: Imbue Points: 29,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 4 Enhancement, 3 Spirit, 9 Thrust, 5 Matter Left Hand: Imbue Points: 33,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 10 Dexterity, 5 Enhancement, 3 Heat, 9 Cold 2Hand: Imbue Points: 29,5 of 28 (99% Qual) Effects: 10 Dexterity, 9 Thrust, 9 Cold, 3 Heat Neck: Pendant of Hope Origin: Heart of Albion Quest 5 Crush, 5 Slash, 5 Thrust, 12 Hits Cloak: Cloak of Defiant Soul Origin: Cleric Epic 45 7 Piety, 44 Hits, 6 Spirit, 7 Power Jewel: Gem of Spirit Abhorrent Origin: Lyonesse Pygmys, Danaoins 7 Matter, 7 Body, 7 Heat, 7 Energy Waist: Superior Accursed Belt of Might (DF) Origin: DF Sapphire Seals 12 Strength, 6 Crush, 6 Slash, 6 Body Right Ring: Band of Eldspar Origin: Dartmoor 13 Dexterity, 32 Hits, 5 Power Left Ring: Ring of Defiant Soul Origin: Cleric Epic 43 15 Dexterity, 15 Constitution, 6 Power, 6 Crush Right Wrist: Veiled Bracer of Eyes Origin: Secret Orders Quest 15 Hits, 8 Cold, 8 Body, 8 Spirit Left Wrist: Stonewatch Bracer Origin: Dartmoor 18 Strength, 18 Dexterity, 18 Piety |
If interested in buying this Cleric Build, PM me here or message Ardri in game. Extremely cheap build, all 99% except shield which is MP. Did i mention EXTREMELY CHEAP JEWELRY?! Note, this is just for the report, not the items.
Statistics STR:30/75 CON:75/75 DEX:75/75 QUI:0/75 INT:0/75 PIE:74/75 CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75 Hits:200/200 Power:25/25 AF:0/50 Resistances Body: 29 Cold: 27 Heat: 27 Energy: 26 Matter: 25 Spirit: 24+5 Crush: 26+2 Slash: 26+3 Thrust: 26 Skills Rejuvenation: 11 Enhancements: 6 <Bushido>
Ardri - Minstrel Quickonthedraw - Cabalist Bareknucklechamp - Merc |
I'm new to this & think I must not understand .. what shield & weapon are used? I don't see them listed in these "reports".
They are level 51 crafted shields and weapons. The choices are just about the speed and looks. I personally prefer the fastest 1h for less cast delay after melee interrupt.
Fortified hammer: 2,5 Fortified mace: 3,0 War mace: 3,0 Needle mace: 3,4 Exceptional hammer: 3,4 Exceptional mace: 3,8 As a shield you can use a small or medium one. Reinforced round shield: round wooden (small) Exceptional buckler: round metal (small) Reinforced kite shield: kite metal (medium) Exceptional heater shield: thicker and bigger version of kite (medium) |
Template I created for Cleric just now, guess in the scheme of things its semi expensive, but might as well share
Shield, Gloves and Boots MP, rest 99. LOKI Build Report Class: Cleric Level: 50 Dual Wield Item Utility: 858.7 Build Utility: 858.7 Useable Utility: 850.7 Statistic Strength: 34/75 Constitution: 75/75 Dexterity: 76/75 Piety: 77/75 Hits: 208/200 Power: 25/25 Resistance Body: 27/26 Cold: 27/26+5 Heat: 26/26 Energy: 26/26 Matter: 26/26 Spirit: 26/26 Crush: 26/26+3 Thrust: 26/26 Slash: 26/26+2 Skill Enhancements: 11/11 Rejuvenation: 11/11 Chest (Crafted): Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) Piety: 22 Matter: 7% Spirit: 5% Cold: 9% Utility: 56.7 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Arms (Crafted): Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) Constitution: 19 Piety: 25 Energy: 3% Crush: 9% Utility: 53.3 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Head (Crafted): Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) Strength: 22 Matter: 9% Heat: 5% Spirit: 7% Utility: 56.7 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Legs (Crafted): Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) Thrust: 7% Energy: 9% Spirit: 7% Constitution: 16 Utility: 56.7 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Hands (Crafted): Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100) Spirit: 7% Constitution: 22 Cold: 9% Heat: 9% Utility: 64.7 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Feet (Crafted): Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100) Crush: 11% Slash: 13% Matter: 3% Hits: 12 Utility: 57.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Right Hand (Crafted): Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) Cold: 9% Heat: 5% Body: 7% Dexterity: 22 Utility: 56.7 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Left Hand (Crafted): Imbue: 33/28 (Quality: 99) Rejuvenation: 5 Enhancements: 5 Hits: 20 Power: 1 Utility: 57.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Neck (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace): Imbue: 30.0 Hits: 48 Thrust: 7% Body: 7% Energy: 7% Utility: 54.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Cloak (Icy Cloak of Vigour): Imbue: 30.0 Hits: 48 Dexterity: 18 Constitution: 18 Slash: 7% Utility: 50.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Jewel (Gem of Body Abhorrent): Imbue: 30.0 Energy: 7% Body: 7% Heat: 7% Matter: 7% Utility: 56.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Belt (Superior Accursed Belt of Might): Imbue: 24.0 Strength: 12 Body: 6% Crush: 6% Slash: 6% Utility: 44.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): Imbue: 24.0 Piety: 15 Rejuvenation: 3 Enhancements: 3 Power: 5 Utility: 50.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Right Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): Imbue: 24.0 Piety: 15 Rejuvenation: 3 Enhancements: 3 Power: 5 Utility: 50.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Left Wrist (Ice Etched Bracer): Imbue: 28.0 Thrust: 6% Hits: 40 Dexterity: 18 Power: 7 Utility: 48.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 Right Wrist (Ice Etched Bracer): Imbue: 28.0 Thrust: 6% Hits: 40 Dexterity: 18 Power: 7 Utility: 48.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 PvE Utility: 0.0 |
I will go ahead and leave this here.
DF Jewelry + snow vendo bracer from dodens gruva + moran's cleric cloak (with 10 min/10 charge ablative) + veiled bracer of eyes (swanton keep quest) All 99% template, caps everything important, enjoy!
Similar to first templet. Same Items, only 99% crafted and cheaper Gems to craft (nothing above 22 stats).
you don't need +11 Enhancement as far as i know - please correct me if I am wrong. with Staff you gain 22 Quickness but lose 9% heat, 12% spirit and 5% energy which I think is fine.
sorry for German Moras. |
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