How good is Friar Solo

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Postby Papa_Tizlak » Jan 28, 2017 13:02

Deciding on which character I like better for solo play (between Friar and Necro).

Can't decide, came here in hopes of trying to decide.

Kind of already like melee over casting, but how efficient is the friar end game with yellow mobs, or what mobs can they solo later on that will make them decent cash to fuel tradeskills?

How is the ol Friar at different aspects of soloing, either 1v1, 1vX?

Is the playstyle flexible?

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Postby zenobya » Jan 28, 2017 22:12

friar is not a flexible class yet it is flexible on groups with difrent setups
this might sound silly but look at this espect
a friar can only taunt a single target adn atack a single target no area effect abilitys
and other then healing and bufing cant do anything for group realm emmbers except rezing (like a tank can guard etc.)
as friar vs otehr solo pve toons mabe teh only toon tehn can solo lov level purps with out brake time (pala comes close )
friar is not fast as otehr pve chars like necro or caby or wizi but it is endless as long as you wont go out of endu when styling you wont stop most of th tiem chaingin yelow oranges
a necro can 2-3 shot a blue yelow con mob at levl 50 a friar can do that in 5-8 staf swings for taht part not as fast as necro on yelow blue mobs
but mobs start to grove after orange friar shines couse friar does same thing to green to purp only swing and wether it hits or not it is an extended fight unlike a caster has to nuke mob before geitng close to it

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Postby Nixxo » Jan 30, 2017 09:26

necro for pve, way more efficient and quickness, friar for pvp and still very good pve.

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Postby Westcott » Jan 30, 2017 21:03

Papa_Tizlak wrote:Deciding on which character I like better for solo play (between Friar and Necro).

Can't decide, came here in hopes of trying to decide.

Kind of already like melee over casting, but how efficient is the friar end game with yellow mobs, or what mobs can they solo later on that will make them decent cash to fuel tradeskills?

How is the ol Friar at different aspects of soloing, either 1v1, 1vX?

Is the playstyle flexible?

I rolled a Friar as my first (and still my only) character and I'm very happy with him now at level 29. With no money or friends to help me out, the early levels were a bit of a climb, but now it's incredibly satisfying to beat the hell out of everything, landing reactionary chains and then dropping a heal on your head to keep going.

By end-game, most Friars are able to solo reds and purples. I have a friend who used to play one during classic and I watched him nearly solo the dragon. He didn't succeed, of course, but it was incredible to watch either way.

The play-style is somewhat flexible, in the sense that you can decide whether or not you want to be a good off-healer, balanced, or all-out melee, but your spec options aren't as versatile as they would be with other classes like casters. You're mainly just figuring out what spells/abilities resonate with your play-style most and then investing more points into that particular line. I'm enjoying things much more now that I've put 11 into rejuvenation. It's nice to be able to save your group when things get too heavy for the Cleric.

I highly recommend this class if you're looking for a character to take pride in. If you're just looking for something to farm and support your other characters with, you may want to consider something else.

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Postby Blitze » Jan 31, 2017 12:16

I think that the sentiment that a friar is a character that you will take pride in, is very true.
It is a good farming character, levelling is easy and there are enough staff quests and leather drops (from 10-30)

On Uthgard 1.0 my friar could solo diamond seal mobs (inc. umbral hulks)
And now in Uthgard 2.0 with dodger RA farming will be even easier.

However, in 8v8 a friar struggles and although in 1v1 a friar can hold his own, 1v1 as a visible can be extremely frustrating (smallest fish in the pond)

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