SELLING MP Friar template

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Postby Ezukiel » Feb 13, 2018 06:12

Staff and 6 piece armor set all 100% accessories not included. :) House # 1181 in Aylesbury

Staff - 5.5 weapon speed
3 slash
11 crush
9 thrust
4 parry

Chest - Lv 47 abs proc
3 parry
22 dex
16 quick
7 energy

Legs - Lv 47 abs proc
9 slash
7 thrust
5 crsuh
52 hits

Helm - Lv 47 abs proc
13 dex
13 con
28 quick
5 thrust

Sleeves - Lv 47 abs proc
60 hits
13 con
16 quick
4 staff

Gloves - Lv 47 abs proc
7 slash
9 thrust
5 crush
7 cold

Boots - Lv 47 dex/quick debuff
7 energy
3 parry
16 quick
9 heat

PM Ezukiel or Cindri or reply on here if interested! Willing to negotiate a bit. :)

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Postby Cadeg » Feb 13, 2018 10:09

your staff is MP and OC at 37.5 ... ok
you said full armor 100%, but it's not worth the cost, imbue on all pieces are around 31 and 32,5 ...

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Postby Spivo » Feb 13, 2018 10:43

Why not include the template, don't mean selling items, but include the template so people might be able to copy it using the crafted pieces?
Albion and having fun

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Postby Rookie » Feb 13, 2018 20:35

You had the boots gloves and sleeves listed at 250g .Chest , legs and head 1 plat each and staff for 2 plat for past week on merchant now u trying to sell them for this price? I was going to buy the gloves boots and sleeves tonight for my 45 friar as a stat filler until i got all my items for proper sc till I saw your price increase :lol:

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Postby Ezukiel » Feb 13, 2018 23:21

@Cadeg - As I said I'm willing to negotiate. These prices were just based on what was up on the market at the time I looked is all. They aren't set in stone.

@Spivo - Sure I could totally take a look and see if I can find the full template for you if that would help!

@Rookie - I'm confused as to why you didn't jump on those prices right away then? I did have them that low for at least 3 days. I realized I was starting to get way too low on the set for what I had spent on it everything included. As mentioned before, I am open to negotiating a price that works for both of us.

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Postby Dogmans87 » Feb 14, 2018 03:13

I would like to point out the cost (according to housing prices - not what a given crafter can charge.)

The following list contains the items prior to SC/Alch on the housing market that I could find - the Cheapest ones listed:
    Gloves: 1plat
    Boots: 750g
    Legs: 2.1p
    Sleeves: 1.6p
    Chest: 2.4p
    Helm: 2.4p
    Staff: 2.5p (not the magus staff which is lower)

The rough price prior to SC/Alch, assuming you bought all the lowest priced items: 12.75plat

*Now add in the cost of SC, as someone pointed out the Staff is OC but the rest of the items are not.
Prices may vary (guildie does it at cost vs. a rando [more expensive but perhaps maybe needed for speed of order completion])

*Then add in the cost of the five Reactive Ablative Arcanium Armour Tincture procs, each of which sells for 230g on the market (again - the cheapest I could find). That is 1.15p assuming an Alchemist doesn't charge you to apply them (prices may vary). If you craft and apply them yourself you may save some coin but there is still a cost.

Keep in mind all of this takes time and is inconvenient - even potentially more expensive if your crafter fails to get 100% for long enough. When you shop through housing you are giving up some control and often a little extra coin for convenience, don't lie to yourself.

12.75plat prior to SC/Alch
+1.15plat for Alch (give or take slightly)
+(insert your own SC cost estimate here)
+(whatever value/cost you place on time and convenience)
Do your own addition

Also, the OP did in fact state in his post that he was willing to negotiate no?

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Postby Ezukiel » Feb 14, 2018 03:58

I found the template for it, but it would require a different staff as this one doesn't go with this template.. the accessories are fairly easy to get for this one as half a few are from DF and others are from the Friar epic quest. Again, I'm willing to negotiate.

Neck: Pendant of Hope (friar epic)
5 crush
5 slash
5 thrust
12 hits

Cloak: Prayer-Bound Vestment (friar epic)
18 con
48 hits
6 power
6 crush

Jewel: Gem of Spirit Adhorent (Lyonesse fisherman/pygmy)
7 energy
7 body
7 heat
7 matter

Belt: Superior Accursed Belt of Might (DF saph)
12 str
6 body
6 crush
6 slash

Ring #1: Ring of Prayers (friar epic)
18 dex
15 pie
3 staff
6 spirit

Ring #2: Ring of the Pumice (moran in dartmoor)
18 pie
9 body
9 matter

Bracer #1: Bracer of the Stout (legil or penn in dartmoor)
30 con
16 hits
6 matter
Charge Use: value 8 health regen 10 min duration

Bracer #2: Veiled Bracer of Eyes (secret orders quest starts in black mountains north)
15 hits
8 body
8 cold
8 spirit

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Postby Spivo » Feb 23, 2018 11:06

Prob sold some of it :)

My point was really that most people has template items, and might need 1-2 items to complete it.
And for them it would be great to buy the fully crafted/SC'd/alch'd set, and then buy for 4p jewelry afterwards.
Albion and having fun

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