Friars Boon vs Defender's Fury
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the 20% attack speed reduction of Defender's Fury seems to be superior to Friars Boon or am I wrong?
I open up with Def Fury, then use Friars Boon.
Friars boon, is the best style that a friar gets in my opinion.
Defenders is very situational, especially in RvR. |
yes -20% is very good - but spamming it - I would not do ... as other styles have more growth rate = dmg. I am not allowed to post a url here but there is a list if you google daocmechanics/albion_styles.html |
is this url? It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
yup that is the one....
I use both of them. I open with Defender's Fury, and back-up Figure Eight with Friar's Boon for the rest of the fight. If the fight lasts long enough, I'll re-apply Defender's Fury after the 3-second stun from Friar's Ally every 15 to 20 seconds or so.
Friar's boon is the best style
Hew Friar on Uthgard
at level 50 wth a staf speed around 3-4 you do about 90 to 120 damge with styles on none crush weak players defenders growth rate is small adn it adds about 15 20 damage like about .35 or so friars boon adds about 25 to 40 damge like about .69growth rate
when fighting you ahve to chose should i start with defender to slow downa nd miss 20 25 damge more or shold i loose enemy atack speed to hit me in total 2-3 times more overall fight |
Yea, i usually use a 5+ speed staff (makes better use of self haste). Therefore, fights don't last many hits, so doing less damage with a defenders fury means that it isn't a brilliant starting style.
Additionally, the +to hit bonus on friar's boon is better, which is v.important to get past enemies shield/evade. |
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