Tips on fighting SBs?
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SB low rr here, just reached 50 last week
Turano raped me a couple times yesterday. Your 9sec stun on evade is really strong, Midgard side, our stun is 7 seconds, and comes second in a chain after evade. Really hard to land on on infi with a strong evading ability, especially when said infi is under a haste pot. I'll get stunned before he is. Moreover yes we have access to a d/q charge with the ring of the butcher, but that ring comes from a stupidly hard to find mob in malmo. There are currently 2 rings on the market, priced at 15 plats. Don't expect most sb to run 75 d/q. Plus, the way charges and stat buffs work, it would cost 150g/hour to keep all buffs up at all time. These bonuses are situationals. Strong PAs comes with the ability to use 2h regardless of spec, but once again, the strongest PAs come from critblades SB, who wouldn't have enough points to access the stun after evade chain (39 LA). A critblade sb who misses his PA will have a hard time finishing his target. |
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