Any tips on how to beat good shamans 1v1?

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Postby Ytore » Oct 28, 2017 22:32

For some reason I just have the most trouble against shamans. I'm a new 50 and don't have anything except LW1, so need some good tips because I have more trouble against shamans than anyone so far.

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Postby ZeeZee » Oct 28, 2017 23:38

to give tips, we need to know wich class you play.

we can't really give "general" tips, it depend a lot on your own class capacites.

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Postby wonshot » Oct 28, 2017 23:57

ZeeZee wrote:to give tips, we need to know wich class you play.

we can't really give "general" tips, it depend a lot on your own class capacites.

This is the minstrrel sub class forum, that should give it away what class he plays :D

I havnt played a minstrel myself, so all I know about them is from fighting them, playing alongside them or hearing people talk about them:
You have sooo many tools on this class, instant DD nukes to interrupt, speed 5, instant stun, aoe mezz, a pet, stealth
- Initiate and control the fight, you have alot of cc available so try to control the fight on your terms.
- You can interrupt with your instant DD spells and pet
- good pet control, with some "pet release" tricks to break mezz or root on you
- cooldown management, waiting for your DDs to come back up or your stun might help you in some situations if you have someone mezzed
- speed. You got speed5 combined with an endu pot you can outrun almost everything, or catch up to a prey.

As for shamans, theres a little trick about minstrel Speed of Sound(SoS) Realm ability if you have been hit by a movementspeed debuff you cant seem to use SoS. Shamenas have disease debuff and that slows. Just a little something I learned on my trip to midgard :roll:

But most of all, be nice. You have a suuuper strong 1v1 ganking class, no need to kill those grey levelers they dont give you much, and hold back on the emote spam. You are probably supperior in 1v1 fights, you know it, they know it :)

Have fun, hope it could be of any use
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Postby ZeeZee » Oct 29, 2017 00:04

wonshot wrote:
ZeeZee wrote:to give tips, we need to know wich class you play.

we can't really give "general" tips, it depend a lot on your own class capacites.

This is the minstrrel sub class forum, that should give it away what class he plays :D

oops my bad :oops:

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Postby pweet » Oct 29, 2017 00:25

you are a minstrel, you can choose your fights. just wait for some more practice and RAs and avoid shamans for the moment. thats my pragmatic advice

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Postby ZeeZee » Oct 29, 2017 00:25

yeah, as minstrel against solo shamans (so mostly cave/buff spec) cc is the key.

keep rupt and push/harass on him, get purge, use caster pets and work your target to full burst him with DDs when stun.

endo managment is important too, make you avoid large kites and keep harass/rupt effective. so always endo pots in bag and Long wind 1 in RA spec.

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Postby Stasis » Oct 29, 2017 13:03

I think shamans have the upper hand at lower rr, perma sprint buffed and disease and dots. Ofc if you run around with a pet it might be diffrent But then you start the fight without end.

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Postby Kha » Oct 29, 2017 15:33

The trick against shaman, is to make them taste their own medicine if you have enough money to afford it. :twisted:

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Postby aylictal » Nov 10, 2017 23:06

If shaman gets jump on you and you have no pet it is only your fault to blame and you should lose unless you dump tons of high realm rank abilities at him.

Outside of that scenario:

-Does shaman have ichor and is willing to dump it?
-Does shaman have moc and is willing to dump it?

If this is the case for either your playstyle will change. A good rule of thumb is if they're willing to dump ichor and/or moc on you, you're pretty much forced into using sos or IP to counteract it.

With RA's completely set aside and if neither is willing to commit to dumping any of the other mentioned things, you need to make him purge your stun and get a mez off after he does this. If you can make him sit through the mez long enough, stun immunity will be halfway over and if you can last long enough keeping him interupted after the mez ends to get the second stun to reapply later without him gaining too much distance, you've won the fight.

A lot of fighting shamans is managing to keep them within range of your instants, and if they do outrange you, managing to get the mez off to keep them within range. If you can't keep up and know they are immune to both, either blow a big RA or run away from them forcing them to come back to you. They want to keep you at 1000-1500 range. You want to keep them 0-700 range. A lot of this comes from judgement from having played the shaman class to understand their perspective, and then exploiting minstrel capabilities to deny them that privilege.

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Postby aylictal » Nov 13, 2017 20:14

Should also add, shamans can get access to ignore pain, and honestly it's a pretty nice RA for them to get, so add that in for things to possibly see.

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