Does Insta Body debuff interrupt?
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Hey all, excited to get back into DAOC! I played a BD on live servers to mid rr11, and want to play one on Uth for nostalgia. Back in the day of 4 sec LT, the insta body debuff interrupted casters, which meant you had 2 insta interrupts (with the LT), which actually made you valuable in 8 mans if you could lock down people. I really hope this still remains, as it would have (I'd imagine) back in 1.65. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
Yes they rupt last time i tested^^
Formerly known as
Touareg- RR10 noobVW on Uth1. Crossfire- RR7 noobAnimist on Uth1. Ohnoes- RR9 noobAnimist on Lolgins. Click this LINK if you want to see the truth about Hibernia |
it rupts, but sadly old RAss make BDs much less appealing then new
Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
That's great news! They were awesome interrupters back on live pre-nerf, when they could lock down 3 people. I know they'll be missing TWF and PD, but anything else? Think they'll rock solo PvP? |
BAoD as well. Solo BD should be near to op in 1on1
Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
That's right. Is the solo spec still 47 supp rest dark? I rolled troll on live but was able to get dex to 380 with AD, but I'm assuming kobold is the way to go here for solo? |
yep, would be my call
Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
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