epic quest dissappeared
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So I just finished the "three Words", that the one where you kill 3 things and one of them is in Vanern Swamp. I hand in the quest to Mirim, go to Inshaka, I pick the shield and the quest is removed from my journal. I go back to my healer trainer in Jord and I don't a new quest to continue my epic? Any clues on what I shold do?
I think you need to level up more for trainer to give you next quest
Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk Nightshade, Blademaster, Bard, Mentalist
Epics level from 43 anwards are given for Inaksha, you will not get more epic quests from trainer
It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
that fixed it, ty |
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