Dark Carver spec
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Hello guys,
i quickly tested darkcarver spec , it looks like very efficient on yellow/orange mos in PVE but couldn't test it in RvR as i couldnt find a group to roam with. i went 48rc/22dark/11supp Anyway i think i remember this spec has been nerfed as some point but can't remember if it's before 1.65 or after. Do you think it's a viable spec ? |
iirc it works best when your paired with another RM (dark) or sm (dark)
uses a lot of pow best at high RR (base nuke dmg will flux quite a bit with 22+11) |
what i though also , but i tested in raumarik very quick , and as a result , after debuff is applied i was maxing out damage almost everytime , at least on yellows/orange the RC bolt would do 700ish dmg , while the base dark nuke with debuff would hit for 600 . |
THIS !!!! and
Darkcarver debuffs darkness for the darkSM DarkSM debuffs ENERGY for the RM YAY DAMAGE!!! (and dealing with power regen issues) (little note: real high RR needed to lower the variance on baseline dark nuke for the darkcarver.. Mastery of Focus helped there, but it's new RA system. Therefore, if you really want a darkcarver duo, go with someone who can debuff energy (<-- the dark sm) and use your baseline RC DD and bolts) |
I played long time ago a darkcarver, It was really fun.
The carving nuke is good, when playing with other casters the debuff is Crazy!!! And you still have bolt and carving aoe For sure dark maybe be better, but darkcarver was a good spec URKRAFT !
Just q quick question: Do i nedd +11 Runecarving in my sc as a Dark Caver with 48 in RC?
Exercia - RR11 - Shadowblade - Lyonesse/Midgard
Drexe - RR10 - Bonedancer - Lyonesse/Midgard Drechse - RR9 - Valkyrie - Lyonesse/Midgard Wummz - RR8 - Savage - Lyonesse/Midgard Kalirien - RR7 - Hunter - Lyonesse/Midgard Exercio - RR6 - Warlock - Lyonesse/Midgard Gorbard - RR5 - Thane- Lyonesse/Midgard Never forgotten and forever missed: Froedel - Buffbot Shaman - Lyonesse/Midgard |
it helps, but it is much more needed the +11 in darkness, as a darkcarver
Of course, if both, even better ! |
I'd love to see Mid start running caster groups with darkcarvers. Practically every Mid caster uses a cold DD and 2 classes have spec cold DDs. A darkcarver could potentially be debuffing for 3 other casters besides itself at the same time. Enemies would melt so fast. I dunno why Mid is so obsessed with running full tank groups instead. |
Power management.
And zerk mentality. Me Hammah. Me squish lurikeens. |
Power management is the last of the main problems. - Full caster setup means two Healers, and that is hard to play - Full caster setup means only BD pets in comparison to Alb (five pets in caster setup) and Hib (four to five pets in caster setup) These two main points cause weaknesses against pretty much every enemy setup and is only countered by stellar play and individual control. I talked so much about this topic because I played the setup quite a bit with at least ten of the Top 15 Runemasters on Mid. It's not played because Tank/Hybrid setups are easy; it's not played because it is so hard to play. It's the hardest setup to pug, especially the Darkcarver needs to be very experienced. There are also no real set groups on Midgard, and if we had any, they would have a lot more success with a hybrid 1BD/3H setup. Oh, and Dark SM literally sucks donkeyballs on 1.65, so these double debuff group fantasies may sound very neat, but they are not neat at all. The only thing that they do is raw damage at high RRs; every other RM spec is superior to Dark SMs below RR6. You boys can dream about your setups all you want, but some people played it, and there is a reason that there's exactly one SM that is RR4+. |
I'm not sure why people are talking about double debuffing as a mid caster group. It has and will always be debuff cold. Dark SM is a dmg dealer/dex debuffer with weak pbaoe for pet clear. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by having a sm debuff energy. Its an extra cast time of not doing dps...at some point you need to just drop stuff, and debuffing for 1 caster doesn't make sense, debuffing for two + does. Infection 50 Shaman
Alliant 50 Runemaster |
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