Solo SB simple Tipps

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Postby Fawp » Jan 09, 2017 10:39

Hello fellow Shadowblades,

I'am currently a level 17 Shadowblade on Uthgard 2.0 and I would like to share some tips i found while leveling.

#1 Use poisen Kiting if your gear is as Bad as mine. try to reach 10 psn as fast as possible and you can basically kite blues without losing more than 5% HP. Just sprint away and repsn and in the meantime you just Kite.

#2 With lvl 14-15 you want to get Hamstring (evade Critical Strike chain). It has a high defense Growthrate and with some crafted Gear you can take on Yellows.

#3 Use SWORDS! .... There are way more Sword drops then there Axe drops.

#4 Try to find Groups even 1-20, but if you cant do some Killtask. Simply use "/whi task" on a named Guard. [TY Vman]

If you have any useful Tipps just post em and I will update the List so we can help our fellow SB's out :).


Thats all for now ...

See you on Uthgard

Last edited by Fawp on Jan 15, 2017 23:41, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Vman » Jan 13, 2017 17:07

Fawp wrote:Hello fellow Shadowblades,

I'am currently a level 17 Shadowblade on Uthgard 2.0 and I would like to share some tips i found while leveling.

#1 Use poisen Kiting if your gear is as Bad as mine. try to reach 10 psn as fast as possible and you can basically kite blues without losing more than 5% HP. Just sprint away and repsn and in the meantime you just Kite.

#2 With lvl 14-15 you want to get Hamstring (evade Critical Strike chain). It has a high defense Growthrate and with some crafted Gear you can take on Yellows.

#3 Use SWORDS! .... There are way more Sword drops then there Axe drops.

If you have any useful Tipps just post em and I will update the List so we can help our fellow SB's out :).


Thats all for now ...

See you on Uthgard


If having difficulty finding a group between 1-20, doing kill tasks I heard works well!
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Postby Fiordiluna » Jan 13, 2017 23:38

useful tip:
Do not roll a shadowblade as your first character to develop

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Postby Voo » Jan 18, 2017 15:30

IMO avoid CS, spec as a shadow zerk by maxing laxe and keeping sword/axe near level - spare points in Env is nice too.

I can kill yellows without a positional opener or chain 3 or 4 blues before a hp rest. Linking up with a shammy makes for some good farming too.

I agree with the above comment about hamstring, however most the 'after evade' styles have a similar bonus, It's not rare to have a 3 or 4 evade streak due to this.

Sword has a really nice non-positional chain which ends in a slow targets attack speed debuff, this is gold. (i can get 2 after evade styles off between the mobs attacks, thats alot of dps)

Finally if you are hunting for a group with the setup i mentioned, tell people when you ask for an invite, people might ignore you if you say SB, but the same people will consider you if you tell them you're shadow zerking.

As someone mentioned kiting with poisions - this can be achieved in combat by having you're old sword on your backslot, apply lethal poison to that badboy, half way through a fight (or if the mob resists) swap to the crap weapon for one swing then back to your normal weapon right after. Or if you apply a snare to this weapon, it can always be used as a 'oh crap, need to run' situation.

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Postby Jayhawker » May 17, 2017 14:30

I have been speccing full sword, full env. It is working out fairly good so far. I chew through yellows. Find mobs that are weak to slash like trees near Gna, Trees in Muspelheim (Fire Flowers) are very nice too, (low 20's I think), they drop SB leather too. Running Kill tasks are ok, but chaining yellows seems to be faster imo, 2 yellows ~ 1 kill task. Do kill tasks as long as they aren't sending you a mile away for the kills.

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Postby Grenouille » May 19, 2017 08:26

Voo wrote:
I agree with the above comment about hamstring, however most the 'after evade' styles have a similar bonus, It's not rare to have a 3 or 4 evade streak due to this.

Defense bonus has no impact at all on evade chances. It has influence on misses from your ennemy.

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