Shadowblade starting points

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Postby Sanik » Dec 16, 2016 00:02

Where would you put your starting points as norse SB?


Can a norse SB get to 250 quickness?

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Postby Infinitum » Dec 16, 2016 03:49

I think for a Norse to get 250 quickness you would need to put 15 points in quickness on creation.

15 points on creation:

88 base
+75 template
+75 d/q charge
+12 from Aug quickness 2 (needed for dodger)
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Postby isocleas2 » Dec 16, 2016 08:28

10 str, 10 quick, 10 con

or 15 str, 10 quick?

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Postby Sanik » Dec 16, 2016 17:53

Infinitum wrote:I think for a Norse to get 250 quickness you would need to put 15 points in quickness on creation.

15 points on creation:

88 base
+75 template
+75 d/q charge
+12 from Aug quickness 2 (needed for dodger)

Thank you =)
so based on this whats more important in everyones opinion. getting some extra dps from 10qui or extra health from 10 con

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Postby Infinitum » Dec 18, 2016 13:18

Well you have to consider that Midgard is the only realm that will have access to the 75 value S/C charge. I believe this even includes Shrouded Isles - so Shadowblades will have an additional 'buffer' compared to opponents who will likely run pot based S/C but this is not as practical as it was before on 1.0 due to the port system; I bow to any stealthier who runs fully buffed 24/7 on 2.0. I myself will likely run: S/C & D/Q + haste + base strength. (We will need this as our damage is 100% strength based and we need every advantage we can get against Infiltrator's and Nightshades.)
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Postby Skarz » Dec 18, 2016 18:56

a lack of quickness = slower swing speeds does not mean u do less damage overall. the slower ur swing speed the higher ur spike dmg will be and the faster u swing the lower ur spike dmg will be.

swing speed only gets important when fighting vs pbt or perhaps a class with high defence when trying to apply poisens in an sb's case.

ur actual dmg is calculated via ur wep dps + wep skill ( that allows u to bypass armor factor ) and the only stat that increase's wep skill for a sb is strength.

i do not do any of the above starting stats stated fyi 8O

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Postby Lumie » Mar 12, 2017 00:39

Seems to me like 18 str 1 qui is the way to go.

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Postby Requin » Jun 04, 2018 12:22

250 quickness cap only applies to attack speed.
all quickness points will benefit chances to evade even after 250.
So a valkyn can have around 46% evade, while usual Norse will have 45% evade chance.
Norse dex:50+45+75+75+18 = 263 dex
Valkyn dex: 65+45+75+75+18 = 278 dex
Norse qui:50+1+23+150+12 = 236 qui
Valkyn qui:75+1+23+150+12= 261 qui

Valkyn (278+261)/2=269.5-50=219.5
Norse evade: 199.5*0.05=9.975+35%=44.975% -> 45%
Valkyn evade: 219.5*0.05=10.975+35%=45.975% -> 46%

So Valkyn vs Norse has 1% increased chance of evade and 3% increased attack speed and 5% body resist and 2% thrust resist, but less weaponskill and less hp (around 90hp).

In my opinion the increased attack speed is good with left axe mechanics since they always launch, you can also prevent the enemy from landing an after style chain.
The increased evade even if it is only 1% is always good.
2% thrust resist is nice!
5% body resist is good against Dot Reverse Procs
You will lose some weaponskill and damage because of strength maybe 3-5% of damage and 2% less chance to hit.
You have 90 less hp but to put it in context its around 7%-10% of your total hp.

In my opinion I would go with Norse with 15 qui and 10 str
Or Valkyn with +15 str and +10 con to reduce the hp loss by half

So Norse 95/70/95/88
Valkyn 95/55/110/98

So it comes down to 50hp less but 2% thrust resist and 5% body resist for valkyn
What I would personally go for is:
Valkyn with 2 qui, 15 con and 8 str for a result of 88/60/110/100 at lvl 50 and be sure to don't have round downs in evade chance -> 46%
or a Norse with 15 qui and 10 con for a result of 85/85/95/88
But if wou want to go full critblade I suggest norseman with 15 str, 10 qui.
Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?

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