Leveling Build / Tips
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Hey team,
I have read through all of the SB forum posts so far and have found some really useful info! I had some additional thoughts/questions and would love to have any responses from the community about them. First, I started a Norse with 15 STR, 5 DEX, 5 QUI (I couldn't find any common consensus so I took my own route!) as my second character to my 27 Pac Healer. Yes, I know, having a main that cant solo and an alt that cant solo doesn't sound very profitable - but hey, I like it! I have been reading about the LA mechanics and the importance of envenom, as well as the efficacy of the ShadowZerk particularly for leveling and low RR's. Furthermore, I have primarily only seen discussions around specs at 50, not while leveling. So I pose the question: Does something like the Critblade spec work for leveling up? Something like, maxing sword and envenom and using a 2h weapon to fight (under the assumption that around 35-39ish points start getting allocated to other skills as needed for the lvl 50 spec goal)? There are also a couple of secondary/deeper layer questions here - knowing that Sword styles growth rates are lesser than LA styles, would having max weapon dmg from swords and applying max level DMG/utility from envenom while mitigating the LA penalty by using 2h weapon recreate similar overall output (at potentially larger costs for poisons) as the ShadowZerk leveling spec (max LA, close to max weapon, rest env)? I would love any thoughts or trolling harassment! |
I would like some SB leveling/build info. Good post
/bump Sey - Healer
Swey - SB |
I have been lvling my SB full sword and envenom. I can solo yellows with little down time, (most of the time). I am only lvl 27 but it seems to work well.
There's a post in the Infil forum about the difference between DW (LA for us) and CS, the difference seems to be quite big at the first lvl with DW being superior to CS, which evens out at around 25~30ish. You might want to go Sword/LA first and respec into CS at 20 if you so desire.
It's all trial and error and a respecc stone is not that hard to come by as a healer. |
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