Skald Templates

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Postby Kabouik » Mar 18, 2017 10:21

Reusing the same items Zocci put in his template, I ended up to this result with all armor parts and weapon in 99% quality:

Stats with 2-handed weapon:

Strength: 75
Const.: 72
Dexterity: 62
Quickness: 74
Charisma: 74
Empathy: 0
Int.: 0
Piety: 0
Power: 0
Hitpoints: 196

Crush: 25 (+5 Kobold = 30)
Thrust: 25
Slash: 25
Heat: 26
Cold: 25
Body: 25
Spirit: 25
Matter: 6
Energy: 17 (+5 Kobold = 22)

11 Axe
11 Parry

796.2 total utility.

Again, this is for solo so there was no way I could compromise Parry or Dexterity too much, I actually prefered trading-off a few percents in the not-so common resistances since their relevance is dependent on who you encounter and is therefore fairly random and variable, while attributes, albeit much less significant in a fight, apply in every fight. This is with 2-handed axe equipped.

What do you think? I am not sure yet whether I'll stick to it, I may try something based on Daiug's item selection as well.

[Edit] Oh, just saw your post bm01. Will try with those items too then, thanks.
Last edited by Kabouik on Mar 18, 2017 15:33, edited 4 times in total.
[Mid] Koubiak, Krafilnaavith
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Postby Kabouik » Mar 18, 2017 14:59

Ok, so with the items you have mentioned bm01, I can obtain this:

Stats with 2-handed weapon:

Strength: 72
Const.: 72
Dexterity: 65
Quickness: 76
Charisma: 75
Empathy: 0
Int.: 0
Piety: 0
Power: 0
Hitpoints: 196

Crush: 26 (+5 Kobold = 31)
Thrust: 26
Slash: 26
Heat: 25
Cold: 25
Body: 26
Spirit: 26
Matter: 0
Energy: 26 (+5 Kobold = 31)

11 Axe
11 Parry

811.5 total utility with 2-handed weapon. 862.2 with 1-handed and shield, and in that case I also cap Dexterity and get +22 Power (it is not much, but it may still be an extra DD in some situations, and as a solo player, it can be useful).

Apart from the uncapped Strength and Constitution (and I don't think using gems for so few points would be wise), this tends to be a bit sexier than the previous one due to the round numbers and capped resists (and Matter out of the equation). However, I believe it is also much more expensive despite being somewhat similar in the end. Any opinions on both templates and what you think would be the optimal in terms of costs/benefits?

[Edit] Finally settled for the second template, since I realized I already had an Icebound bracer. They still sell for 2p though so the second one will be a tough bit.
Last edited by Kabouik on Mar 19, 2017 21:29, edited 2 times in total.
[Mid] Koubiak, Krafilnaavith
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Postby Sifi » Mar 18, 2017 19:04



Str: 76 Int: 0 Hits: 200

Con: 75 Pie: 0 Power: 0

Dex: 54 Cha: 69

Qui: 75 Emp: 0



Body: 26 Energy: 25 Crush: 26

Cold: 25 Matter: 0 Thrust: 26

Heat: 26 Spirit: 26 Slash: 26



11 Axe

7 Parry

Cap Increases



Imbue Points: 33.5

Gem 1: 28 Strength

Gem 2: 7 Slash Resist

Gem 3: 7 Charisma

Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist

Utility: 51.33


Imbue Points: 33.5

Gem 1: 25 Constitution

Gem 2: 9 Energy Resist

Gem 3: 9 Slash Resist

Gem 4: 1 Parry

Utility: 57.67


Imbue Points: 33.5

Gem 1: 25 Quickness

Gem 2: 9 Heat Resist

Gem 3: 9 Spirit Resist

Gem 4: 1 Parry

Utility: 57.67


Imbue Points: 33.5

Gem 1: 5 Axe

Gem 2: 5 Thrust Resist

Gem 3: 3 Cold Resist

Gem 4: 22 Quickness

Utility: 55.67


Imbue Points: 37.5

Gem 1: 76 Hits l

Gem 2: 9 Spirit Resist

Gem 3: 9 Crush Resist

Gem 4: 2 Parry

Utility: 65.00


Imbue Points: 37.5

Gem 1: 76 Hits

Gem 2: 9 Heat Resist

Gem 3: 9 Energy Resist

Gem 4: 2 Parry

Utility: 65.00

Right Hand

Imbue Points: 33.5

Gem 1: 6 Axe

Gem 2: 7 Thrust Resist

Gem 3: 3 Body Resist

Gem 4: 1 Parry

Utility: 55.00

Left Hand (shield not included in final stats)

Imbue Points: 33.5

Gem 1: 9 Matter Resist

Gem 2: 4 Parry

Gem 3: 22 Dexterity

Gem 4: 7 Charisma

Utility: 57.33

Neck Name: DF Neck Utility: 54.00

Cloak Name: Jade Moonshone Cloak Utility: 44.00

Jewel Name: DF Jewel Utility: 52.00

Belt Name: DF BeltUtility: 44.00

Right Ring Name: Glacial Emerald Ring Utility: 50.00

Left Ring Name: Flame Wrought Ring Utility: 45.33

Right Wrist Name: DF Bracer Utility: 44.00

Left Wrist Name: DF Bracer Utility: 44.00

Would welcome constructive criticism. Shield not included in final stats. Template requires 2 mp peices.

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Postby tharid » Mar 21, 2017 18:17

Charisma > Dex. Try to cap that. Use another Jewel. Other than that it's okay, could get slightly more out of it with 2 MPs I think.

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Postby Sifi » Mar 22, 2017 10:48

tharid wrote:Charisma > Dex. Try to cap that. Use another Jewel. Other than that it's okay, could get slightly more out of it with 2 MPs I think.

Whose temp are you refering to?

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Postby Kabouik » Mar 22, 2017 12:39

tharid wrote:could get slightly more out of it with 2 MPs I think.

I have the same impression. As a comparison, my template just above yours only contains 99% parts and I cap or almost cap all stats Str (-3), Con (-3), Hits (-4), Dex (-10), Cha, Qui, have 25-26% in all resists but Matter (like you), and cap both Weapon and Parry with a 2-handed weapon. With 1-handed and shield, I have 22 extra power and cap Dex (but could have caped those Str and Con instead, I was just not so interested in those 3 missing points).

I know this is not the best from a minmaxer point of view because of these 72 Str and Con, but still, this is without MPs and with higher Parry, Cha and Dex due to my solo-playstyle.

My only regret with the template is the Cloak of icy vigor is ugly. I was hoping it would be one of these cloaks with the slightly altered skin like the DF one. It's just a plain one.
[Mid] Koubiak, Krafilnaavith
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Postby Zocci » Mar 22, 2017 13:17

Kabouik wrote:
tharid wrote:could get slightly more out of it with 2 MPs I think.

I have the same impression. As a comparison, my template just above yours only contains 99% parts and I cap or almost cap all stats Str (-3), Con (-3), Hits (-4), Dex (-10), Cha, Qui, have 25-26% in all resists but Matter (like you), and cap both Weapon and Parry with a 2-handed weapon. With 1-handed and shield, I have 22 extra power and cap Dex (but could have caped those Str and Con instead, I was just not so interested in those 3 missing points).

I know this is not the best from a minmaxer point of view because of these 72 Str and Con, but still, this is without MPs and with higher Parry, Cha and Dex due to my solo-playstyle.

My only regret with the template is the Cloak of icy vigor is ugly. I was hoping it would be one of these cloaks with the slightly altered skin like the DF one. It's just a plain one.

Kabouik knows whats up!
Looks are important and that cloak bums me out too. I want that sexy lining at least!

For my first temp i wanted something quick, cheap and within grasp.
I'm already done with my temp and wearing it at lvl 48 to speed up the lvlng and be ready for RvR as soon as possible.

Try not to think of your temps as a one time holy grail. Get one going, use it and start planning for the next one.
Also, as many here have done, spec your template after your play style. For me it's small man with the occasional 8man.
Hardly ever solo and will run 50BS, 39 hammer. (Well, accidentally specced 40 hammer but that's another story..)

And considering matter resist, i wanted it reasonably high as i suspect Alb is still struggling with Dragon and i guess that more than a few PvE matter cabalist are out in the frontiers.
Those DoTs can be nasty, with a few RRs and some Crit % they can be down right lethal.

Just my 2 cents and the reasoning behind my temp.
Please do have a reason btw, that's generally important in all aspects of life...
Zocci <Njord> - Skald

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Postby Sifi » Mar 22, 2017 13:23

Kabouik wrote:
tharid wrote:could get slightly more out of it with 2 MPs I think.

I have the same impression. As a comparison, my template just above yours only contains 99% parts and I cap or almost cap all stats Str (-3), Con (-3), Hits (-4), Dex (-10), Cha, Qui, have 25-26% in all resists but Matter (like you), and cap both Weapon and Parry with a 2-handed weapon. With 1-handed and shield, I have 22 extra power and cap Dex (but could have caped those Str and Con instead, I was just not so interested in those 3 missing points).

I know this is not the best from a minmaxer point of view because of these 72 Str and Con, but still, this is without MPs and with higher Parry, Cha and Dex due to my solo-playstyle.

My only regret with the template is the Cloak of icy vigor is ugly. I was hoping it would be one of these cloaks with the slightly altered skin like the DF one. It's just a plain one.

Yeah fair enough templates are perfernce thing, I also plan on playing solo (played solo skald on live) and dont plan on using the template I posted above, just thought it might be worth putting it on here.

I am still not happy with my own template, I have a Bracer of Shattering and a Cloak of the Vicious, and keep finding I am adding more and more mp's to it which im loathed to do at this point.

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Postby tharid » Mar 22, 2017 16:02

Sifi wrote:
tharid wrote:Charisma > Dex. Try to cap that. Use another Jewel. Other than that it's okay, could get slightly more out of it with 2 MPs I think.

Whose temp are you refering to?

My template. I'm at work and can't post the whole thing, but it contains

1 MP/ Rest 99%
2x Ancient Ebon Ring
2x Rigid Wright Claw
Skald Epic Jewel
DF Neck
Jade Moonshone Cloak
DF Belt

I have everything important capped (STR/CON/QUI/CHAR/HP/Hammer), Spirit on 23% and Matter on 12%.

The discussion about "Spirit or Matter" is pretty simple at the moment: You will find MUCH more PvE Necros and Air Theurgists (both have DD nukes that hurt) than Matter Cabalists with high RR. And even without Matter resists, DoTs are easy to deal with in group play, and I welcome every Cabalist that puts a DoT on me that results in me being immune to CC for a whooping 24 seconds. Besides that, high RR Matter Cabalists will never ever put DoTs on everyone that's not standing on a keep wall, and that shouldn't happen too often as a Skald.

And again, Necros are a real threat at the moment, especially if you want to go out for solo and smallman action. Even non-temped 50 Necros will kill you most of the time if you run around with 10-12% Spirit resistance. I even activate my Spirit resistance chant when fighting against them because it helps so so much (helps against the cast nuke AND the instant lifedrain).

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Postby bm01 » Mar 22, 2017 16:08

Most weapon proc are also spirit. I've sold about 20 of them, and not a single fire / cold / energy.

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Postby dragonis2345 » Mar 25, 2017 00:57

Anyone got a Full Mp template for skald can include 99% weps but full mp chain

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Postby Severian » Mar 27, 2017 17:39

Zocci wrote:Damn forum rules wont let me paste/link template

Exquisite Avernal Necklace
Cloak of Icy Vigor
Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond
Superior Accursed Belt of Might
Glacial Emerald Ring x2
Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Bracer
Rigid Wrigth Claw

Build Utility: 844.7
Useable Utility: 843.7

STR:75/75 CON:75/75 DEX:69/75
QUI:74/75 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:74/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 25
Heat: 26
Energy: 26
Matter: 24+5
Spirit: 25
Crush: 26
Slash: 25+3
Thrust: 25+2

Parry: 8
Hammer: 11

I followed this template as it seemed fairly quick and easy to acquire and not too expensive as well. I finished it yesterday (other than the 1h/shield) and I'm liking it myself. Chain is expensive, even at 99%, but that's what Skalds have to get. I think I'm happy with this for now, until I build up my money a massive amount. When I get several plat built up, I'll probably look into a second, more expensive template with some MP items. As of now, I'm liking this.

As far as PvE, all the OJ mobs I've attempted went down fairly easily using 2H (and only having +1 parry from RR 2). With the 1H/Shield I should parry more, and block once in awhile, so I'm curious how much PvE mobs hit me with that setup.

So yeah, I think the above is a pretty solid template. Thanks for posting Zocci!
Severian, RR5 Skald
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Postby Zocci » Mar 28, 2017 13:42

Glad to help a fellow Skald
Zocci <Njord> - Skald

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Postby WhiskeyGuy » Mar 31, 2017 03:58

I'm brand new to templates and have some basic questions. In the template below from zocci:

- what are the various utility measurements?
- what are the statistics? for example, why is dex 69/75?
- why do the statistics appear twice but with slightly different numbers?

LOKI Build Report
Default Configuration:
Build Utility: 844.7
Useable Utility: 843.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

STR:75/75 CON:75/75 DEX:69/75
QUI:74/75 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:74/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 25
Heat: 26
Energy: 26
Matter: 24+5
Spirit: 25
Crush: 26
Slash: 25+3
Thrust: 25+2

Parry: 8
Hammer: 11


Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 785.3
Useable Utility: 784.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

STR:75/75 CON:75/75 DEX:40/75
QUI:74/75 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:74/75 EMP:0/75

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Postby Zocci » Mar 31, 2017 09:28

Templating and spellcrafting can be rather complicated when you first start out.

Utility is a measurement on how effective an item is.
This information is not available in-game, it's presented in various spellcrafting tools and online.
Overly simplified it's: More stats = more utility

+75 base stat is the most you can gain from you equipped items at lvl 50.
69/75 means that the setup will gain you 69 out of 75 possible bonus.
Having items that gives your more that that is called overcap and wasted utility as they are effectively worthless.
If you mouse over your stats in-game you can see information about this.

The two different statistics are one for 1hand + shield and one for 2hand.
You only gain bonus from the weapon you have equipped and therefore it's harder to spellcraft 2handed as that only gives you one items to work with instead of two. (1hand+shield vs only 2hand)

A good advice is to try and find a legendary spellcrafter in-game and ask for help not only with the actual spellcrafting procedure but also with creating you a template from scratch. That will give you a suit to play with without the pressure of learning or the risk of messing up.

It's VERY easy to mess up a suit.. I messed up my first chest piece by sending the wrong version to my spellcrafter, a mistake like that can be very expensive to correct. Had to buy a new 99% chest piece, spellcraft again and enchant. Don't enchant before spellcraft! ;)

A good way to start spellcrafting is to make a Thidranki lvl 23-24 toon and create a spell crafted suite for it.

For programs I use Loki 1.4.
But as you are just starting out I would instead recommend Kort's spellcrafting calculator 1.45. (kscraft 1.45)
The reason is that it's simple and easier to begin learning the different nuances of spellcrafting with it.
Loki on the other hand has a very good automatic function for SC but it's best utilized when you understand the basics and can input a balanced item setup for it to work with.

You will notice that both these programs have newer versions available but as Uthgard mimics patch 1.65 these older version are, in my opinion, far better to use.
Zocci <Njord> - Skald


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