Skalds Duties in RVR?
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Can anyone point me in the direction of a tips for Skalds in RVR. For instance like who do you normally target first when it comes to Alb/Hib grps or if anyone could write something up for a novice skald to start the general purpose you are in an 8man. Don't feel like I should RvR until I have some what of an idea of what to do since a lot of people here know what they're doing
Thanks |
Im still learning myslef but i can tell you what others told me:
Alb caster group: Theurg Alb melee group: Sorc/Cleric Hib caster group: Elds/Bards Hib Melee group: Bards / assist MA In general you should aim to rupt 2-3 Targets If you see your chance apply pressure if not rupt as many as you can. Maybe someone with more experiance could hop in and give better advice |
Sit in root and cheer on your team!
Thank you so much for this info, this narrows down my duties quite well. Do you normally try to peel your backline or focus more on making sure they aren't mezz/pets etc? Okay, I've been practicing spotting out the Theurg, but it's been a work in progress. I've also noticed that while trying to target the Theurg I can easily get picked up if the Theurg gets some pets on me. Would love any tips you've learned to spotting or chasing down each of those classes. I'd like to have a pretty good idea before I join in my first RvR grp. |
Peeling is the Warriors job. But since i pug alot, there is not always one. When i find time and am close, i snare ppl and pets off our backline. But that rarely happens. If im killing Theurg pets, a Theurg is casting more. Snaring, Rupting and if you have to and find the time to, help your healers. A single mez or snare can do alot. For identifying: in my experiance its a Briton 70%+ of the time. but i only have a smal sample size. Pretty new on Skald myself As soon as there is a pet or two you should know where he is. Sure sometimes you make mistakes or are to hectic. Just try to focus. And yes as soon as you get a stun or any other CC the Theurg will spam 2-4 Ice pets on you. But thats good. means less pets on your support. My current Problem is that i overextend as if i already have ip and AOM, but i dont ![]() |
It is easy to play a Skald, but hard to play a Skald well. Good question about what is the classes role.
You are a speed and interrupt bot. Your main focus is to keep casters occupied, and healers from healing until your DPS can drop a target or two. Then when the pace of the fight is in your favor, you can either continue to interrupt, or join the assist train for extra damage. The main thing to keep in mind is you don't need your shouts to interrupt every time. Try and use your one hand hammer to interrupt, and your shouts only when you absolutely need them. Good to insta mezz a caster that is quick casting root or mezz on you for example. Priority targets were already mentioned. For Albs, main focus is to get on that Theurgist! If he gets off 2-3 pets at start, that's okay. Good Theurgists will always play way far in the back, so it can be difficult to get to them. If he quick casts an ice pet on you to snare, use your DDs to kill the pet first. Then you can get back onto the Theurg a lot easier. If the albs do not run a Theurgist, then break speed on tanks with your DDs, like a Merc or Arms, even a minstrel, so the Mins cant get to your backline to mezz and stun easily. Another good target that almost every Alb group runs is a Cabalist. Keep him busy, so he cant debuff nuke. For Hibernia, I recommend jumping on the bard first. Make him burn his insta mezzes early, and then when your group has immunity, you can focus on interrupting casters, or their support. Careful though as if the fight goes long, you will need to get back on the bard if he gets free, so your group doesnt get blanket mezzed. Other than that, focus on interrupting and trying to get off your own insta mezz on support, or overextended casters. Try and isolate a target that kites far from their group with your mezz, then you can pull back to the fight and its a 7v8. There are lots of other scenarios to cover, so just got to play to learn your class. Good luck out there! Cheers |
This helps a lot! I think I have a pretty good general sense of what I should work towards accomplishing which is a whole lot better than before. Now it'll come down to perfecting everything in real examples. I've always been a heavy pvp'er so I have the quick pace experience just gotta get down reading enemies and such. Thanks so much |
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