Dark-SM = Good to play?
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Hi everyone,
played a Dark-SM on Uthgard 1.0 and i liked it. Dark 47 / Supp 26 Is it possible, to find groups in RVR with this Spec in 2.0? 47 LifeLeech creates good damage und as one of the rare CC-Classes in Midgrad with AE-Mez and PBAOE-Mezz and also Dex/Qui- and Str/Con-Debuff it seems to be doing fine in RVR-Groups. Also a little bit of AE-Damage to kill Theurg-Pets or something. What do you mean? And in Raids (DF? Dragon?)? Possible to find an place? Thanks for your Time! |
I dont see much need for SM's in raids, as ML9 pets no longer excist
But for RvR, sure they could get a spot, but most would perfer the RM cuz of NS.. The darkness SM is really awesome, if there is a RC RM in the grp, cuz with that Cold debuff, they will reck ****** up... A RC RM does more dmg with 50% debuff, and baseline nuke, than a 47 dark RM does even with his 10% debuff... Problem with debuff nuking is, u have to cast the debuff before u can do dmg, I know its only 2 sec cast, but still... Also if its resisted, there will be no dmg |
Dark SM is superviable especially in utilitysync with a RM (pref RC debuffer) this makes the RM selfdebuff its baseline nuke and as a bonus debuffs the 183 dd for the SM.
176DD pbaoe for petclear/milegates. max dq debuff on a server where casttime is already low=powerful. I wouldnt run a dark SM alone but teamed up with a hybrid/caster setup they are superstrong. Interceptpet is just icing on the cake |
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