Pet stun proc and potential immunities

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby wonshot » Aug 10, 2017 18:38

Hello fellow Mids, Spiritmasters and who else might read here :)

I have a question in regards to the SM pet's stunproc. Does it give a stun immunity in both pve & rvr? I have been duoing with a pachealer and whenever we have used to pet to run out and either bodypull, or in case of neutral mobs, attack once on each mob to round them up for bombing them, if the hit from the pet has a stunproc the aoe stun from the pachealer seem to be almost broken instantly afterwards. is this the case, and is there any other stun/immunity mechanics I should be aware of?

The stunproc can ofc be nice, but having an option to turn it off on demand would be such a QoL change :lol:
<<Bombling>> - Supp SM Lvl 50 - RR 7L0
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Lola Montez
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Postby Lola Montez » Sep 11, 2017 10:15

hey there,
i play a dark sm and already noticed this too. pet stun does give a stun immunity. i once read that it shouldnt, but i actually dont know if this was a change made in later patches or it should be classic :?:

source: daocpedia (only in german)

PS: was not allowed to post the url oO

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Postby playfull » Sep 25, 2017 22:03

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