Race discussion

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Postby Azoazial » Jan 04, 2017 09:23

zitT wrote:hey thanks for your answer, can you elaborate on why quick > dex in your opnion, friends were telling me that quick only slithly increases the swingspeed and dex increases multiple things like 1%block, 1%parry and 1%shield dmg. are numbers wrong or is the swingspeed for the dps just better? i am kinda clueless :)

thx in advance

If your going Troll, which you SHOULD imo, as the warrior is a Str class, and dex comes in 2. place unless you're a PvE player, then you should make which ever you like :)

But statswise for a Troll there are 3 options imo

RvR - 15 str - 10 con
RvR - 15 str - 10 quick
PvE - 10 str, 10 con, 10 dex

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Postby Aelred » Jan 04, 2017 10:22

Like others have said, Troll is the min/maxer's best pick. Choose Norseman/Dwarf/Valkyn if you like the looks, and Kobold if you have a Kobold/Dwarf only guild (super sneaky!). The common wisdom on this forum is that extra weaponskill (and thus, defense penetration) you get from the Troll's strength should be enough to make you a better peeler than if you had the small amount more block chance that a Kobold's Dex will bring.

As for creation stats, consider that you have both the highest strength race (Troll), and the highest weaponskill class (Warrior) in the game. Going 15 STR is not a bad idea, but if you want to go 10STR 10DEX 10QUI, you'll be just as well off. I would advise against putting points into CON, as nobody should really be trying to kill you until your team has already lost (plus, with a Troll you have a huge amount to begin with). DEX is important, as it increases your block/parry chance, and may increase your chance to land a Slam. QUI is also important, so that you can get your snares and slams off quickly, but maybe not as important for Midgard because of your access to Celerity.

In the end, your choice of race won't cripple your character's ability to perform, lategame, especially if you're not worried about getting into an 8v8 guild. So pick what you think is the coolest, and will make you the happiest playing, and you'll always find a group to run with.

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Postby Virn » Jan 04, 2017 23:43

Troll in RvR for high stability dommage ; you can try Valkyn for critical dommage but Troll is better.

Dwarf in PvE.

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Postby randomeclipse » Jan 31, 2017 22:07

Forget the maths, Kobbie. 8)
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Postby Plyo » Feb 01, 2017 02:23

If anyone mistakes you for another class (shaman), even just for a moment, it's arguably worth it for that alone.

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Postby eckso » Feb 01, 2017 09:30

I see a lot of replies that have to do with damage. The warriors job, number one, is to be the tank. Period.

You want to play a dps class, role a savage or zerker.

Now that we have established what a warrior is and is not, the logic is easier. A tanks job is to guard support, peel off tanks, and add dps when they can to the Train. Midgard RvR groups are most often melee groups, I think we can all agree.

So if your function in group is to peel, using hammer snare, land slams and in general tank, then Norse is the best bang for your buck. Good strength and con, without having to sacrifice defense. Kobold and Valk lose a lot of str and con to get a minor boost in defense. Troll loses a lot of swing speed and defense to get a boost in str for a class that already does good weapon damage.

Yes it's nice to be a troll warrior and get those huge two hand strikes in, but if you are serious about RvR, then you play a Norse.

In the end, race doesn't really matter. We can argue the intricacies of racial resists and stat distribution. Really it's the player that makes the class. You can't go wrong with Norse though, and this is coming from a troll warrior. I loved my big troll hits and if you want to solo warr, go nuts, be a troll.

A 8 man warr is Norse and knows his role though. Be the tank! :)

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Postby Severian » Mar 27, 2017 17:57

Kobold Warrior, just to be different. I played a Norseman Warrior back on classic well into RR5, and it was definitely a great class for peeling and protecting casters/healers. I enjoyed slamming those unsuspecting big ass Heroes trying to mess with my healers. Just slam, slam, slam, slam all around.

But....Kobolds are so cool. And a Kobold Warrior would be truly different! In PvE, you shouldn't be getting hit hardly at all as a Kobold Warrior! And how cool would it be to see a Kobold Warrior running around hiding between legs and running between legs, while throwing around his little large shield slamming everything.

But in all seriousness, Norse is probably the best. Kobolds are really cool though. And hip. As in they only come up to your hip.
Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer
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Postby Wulver » Mar 29, 2017 01:50

I rolled a Valkyn Warrior, and so far I love it! Can't wait to get out there and make my pack proud!

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Postby bm01 » Mar 29, 2017 03:45

zitT wrote:hey thanks for your answer, can you elaborate on why quick > dex in your opnion, friends were telling me that quick only slithly increases the swingspeed and dex increases multiple things like 1%block, 1%parry and 1%shield dmg. are numbers wrong or is the swingspeed for the dps just better? i am kinda clueless :)

thx in advance

EffectiveSpeed = WeaponSpeed * (1 - (Quickness - X) / 500) * (1 - (Haste + Celerity) / 100)
X is either 60 or 50, not sure which one is correct.

Basically, with a 2.8 speed shield (small), 35(base)+75(SC)+63(buff) Quickness, 12% Haste and 0% Celerity (otherwise you reach the cap); you can Slam every 1.82 seconds. If you add 10 Quickness, that becomes 1.77 seconds. The difference is bigger on slower weapons.

It may not seem much, but it becomes noticeable if Conquer / Slam start missing (which happens quite often), and situation where Celerity isn't up aren't that rare. For that reason I always recommend 10 points in Quickness during character creation.

10 Dex on the other hand increases your shield Weaponskill which is only really useful for defense penetration, but you shouldn't Slam from the front anyway so that point is kind of moot, except maybe against Mercenaries and Blademasters because of Advanced Evade. It also increase your block chance by 0.5% (supposedly), but it's further modified by your opponent's Weaponskill, and it may work differently on Guard.

To me, Dex is only really useful in PvE or when dueling.

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Postby Severian » May 15, 2017 18:02

I am actually very interested in playing a Kobold Warrior well into RvR, as I would love to see how they perform. If Uthgard lasts long enough, I'll be doing this.

Looking at the top 25 Warriors all time so far on Uthgard 2, there are currently 5 Kobold Warriors. One of them is above RR5 if I remember correctly. So 20% of the top 25 warriors are of the Kobold race. That's what you'd expect to see due to having 5 race options for Warriors.

The majority are obviously Norseman and Troll, as those are the two min/max options. However, for the actual primary role of a Warrior in RvR, the option isn't necessarily either of them. And certainly not guaranteed to be Troll. Yes, Trolls will hit the hardest on average with Norseman a bit behind them, but that isn't the role of a Warrior in RvR, to do DPS. Dwarf and Kobold seem about the same, coming in third and fourth. I didn't count the dwarfs in the top 25, but they might have tied Kobold (based on a guesstimate).

So based on my playing a Norseman Warrior in RvR up through and past RR5, I would say this is probably the best balance for stats. However, if you're fixed within a certain group playing a certain way and you're going to be set focused on doing the primary job of a Warrior, which is to peel and protect the casters, I don't see how a Kobold would be at a disadvantage at all. And perhaps could even be minutely (although somewhat negligibly as well) better at the peeler focused role in a group.

In conclusion, unless you really want the maximum possible damage with the biggest possible hits, you are free to choose whatever race you want to play as a Warrior. One that you will be most pleased and happy to play with. Warriors are there to be the guard dogs, peel and tank first and foremost, damage second. So as a Kobold, you should be perfectly fine in this role as a Warrior. :)
Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer
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Postby Hasbulat » Jul 12, 2018 23:01

Valkyn is the best Warríor.
You have the highest Weapon Factor in the game. So even with a lower Str. you will penetrate very good. And you will hit often!

You main task as warrior is to peel, protect casters and support. And stay alive.
Valkyn has the highest Quickness. Yes, Midgard has access to Celerity. But, if the aug healer will be rupted, rooted or mezzed. Or even killed? So what? No more excess to celerity? But especially in such situations the main warry job is most important - to protect your support and caster. And here is more quickness - most important thing - more and often snares and slams, more blocks, more procs.
You will be overcaped by celerity with weapon swings? Who cares? Take the slowest 2H! But you will stay relailble in your primary job even if your out of celerity and buffs.

Valkyn has low const, but a warrior gets the most HP/const, so, it still high enough life.
And a Valky has best resis in Midgard. :):);)


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