Verdant Animist Needs Attention

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Postby masterjaso » May 08, 2017 23:32

Hey gang,


Long standing verified issue. The title isn't necessarily correct, but the numbers don't lie.

The Issue: Verdant pets do not apply the Animist's Verdant Path skill nor do they apply the Animist's Int stat. Two key examples:

Briar-line is our pet PBAE. When I cast my current Lvl 17 spell (Briar-Eruption) it says that it should deal 81 matter damage (base). When it is cast on enemies from blue through red it hits for 20-50. Casting my baseline lvl 20 Wisp-Blaze spell out of Creeping it says I should hit for 73, when I hit things from blue through red it deals over 100 damage.

Second proof comes from the resistant buff VENTs that we get. Casting these I check the tooltip on my character and it indicates I should increase all resists by 9. When looking at char sheet it only gives me +4, in line with what we would expect for no spec at all.

It appears that most other things in verdant work fine (abs buffs, blade turns, etc...) but the Briar Line not scaling makes the spec unplayable honestly.

Can we please address this issue? I would REALLY like to play more Verdant!

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Postby masterjaso » May 10, 2017 13:36

Continuing my trek of collecting proof for this bug in hopes that it gets prioritized for a fix soon.

I pulled a bunch of blue mobs onto my tank pet tonight, which means the mobs should be yellow con'd to my pet. When I fire off the briar burst on 131 base damage briar burst it deals 90-96 damage, almost 40 lower than base listed.

I then pulled a grey con'd mob. Briar burst dealt 129 damage, 2 lower than the spells listed base damage.

If I pull red/OJ mobs to me the Briar Burst line of spell deals between 20-50 damage.

The point being, this spell isn't even gaining bonus damage on grey con'd mobs, much less any other type of mob. Can we please prioritize this and the resistance shroom bug? None of the caster's int, skill, or other level based mechanics are being applied to verdant shrooms which makes the spec unplayable/unusable right now.


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Postby Koleriker » May 11, 2017 20:10

The fact that shroom pbaoe doesnt get any increase from into stat is 1.65 like. Got fixed on live a few patches later (1.67 I think)

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Postby masterjaso » May 13, 2017 05:08

I've stuck it out as long as I can, but as 40 approaches, it just feels like Verdant respec must happen so that I can even have a chance to get from 40 to 50. It is quite frustrating trying to use that spell line ... And I do so enjoy that playstyle!

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Postby Myskin » Aug 07, 2017 15:11

we need more feedbacks about from staff

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Postby Tree » Aug 12, 2017 13:27

It was a buggy behaviour 1.65, but nevertheless it is livelike the way it is now. Hope the staff will still fix it, because it was a known issue at our patch level, the Devs just didnt come around fixing it until 1.67.
Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50
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