Starter points.
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Best starter points for a Celt Bm . Pvp mainly.
10 str
10 dex 10 con |
10 str 10 qui 5 con 5 dex ?
15str / 10dex if you want to go blades or blunt,
10 str/dex/qui if you want to go pierce. If you are planning to spec neither shield nor pierce, drop the dex and go 15str/10qui. Con is not really worth the points unless you play solo mostly. “DAOC is not about what you can log. It's about what you can play :> ”
Uthgard 1.0: <Die Lettanten> Ivia - 8L8 Nightshade - Lone Enforcer since 8L1. Uthgard 2.0: <Illuminated Stormriders> Oxy - Hero; Ivia - Nightshade. |
I agree. |
I would always go 10 Str / Dex / Qui regardless of race and weapon:
- Str to bolster your damage and your defense penetration - Dex to bolster your defense penetration with slam plus your evasion (360° evade! enemy peelers love it!) - Qui to bolster your damage / time plus your evasion (see Dex) As the Blademaster is not the heavy tank of Hibernia I disregard Con completely. |
I also approve of this philosophy! |
10 ponts in con, are just 44 hp. My bm is 10 points in st/dex/qui.
Enviado desde mi Moto G (4) mediante Tapatalk |
Quickness is connected to evasion, not dexterity ??
Firbolg: 14 quickness 11 dex
Celt: 10 quickness 10 strength 10 dex Elf: 15 strength 10 con All melee class&race combination are stationed between 95 and 115 weaponskill stat (strength or str/2+dex/2) w/o any point in strength the Firbolg has already 135 str, which is already considered above average, don't go overboard! w/ a Troll without any point in str you can also reach 145 str... Let us say that you are a blademaster in the process of shutting down any class, is it better to have higher damage or quicker attack speed? Since most groups run with pulsing bubble, you want the quicker attack speed over the higher damage. Let us say that you are a blademaster dueling another blademaster do you want higher damage & higher chance to penetrate defenses or quicker attack speed, stun weaponskill (dex), evade, parry, and higher chance to penetrate defenses (w/ more chances per seconds thanks to increased attack speed) You can also land more hits during a stun with a quicker attack speed. Again I would prefer quickness over strength in this situation. The only situation where I would consider strength to be above quickness is for assist train burst dps 1 target. But Hibernia is more of a caster heavy meta, which means that your role as a blademaster is to annoy healers/mages and snare/stun combattants, not to burst dps in an assist train. You already grow strength (+45), dexterity (+23) and constitution (+15) Quickness is the only stat that has only one buff available (spec dex/qui) The 250 quickness cap is almost reachable: 60 base (celt) +75 (equipment) +75-93 (spec buff) +12 (aug qui 2) Total= 222 to 240 quickness Having higher quickness allows you to increase your unstyled damage, it also allows you to benefit more from the dual wield haste, moreover it allows you to increase your dps by switching to lower speed weapon. Also don't be scared to go overcap with quickness, if you get debuffed you will benefit from the overcap. Last edited by Requin on Jan 09, 2018 11:29, edited 1 time in total.
Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
Both. In defense of truth-to-experience.
Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
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