Blunt BM template
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Hi all,
I need a little help tweaking my template so i can get +11 CD/Blunt and Parry i am looking for all 99% items but can get 1 MP and i need to keep the costs down as much as possible on the items (ideally want to make it a cheap template for now. Before people start saying you don't need +11 Parry i plan on soloing as well as 8v8. as 99% items have 28 imbue points I've tried to get 32.5 on all items but have fallen short in some area's so i know there are improvements i can make. All of your help would be appreciated. Config Report Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STR: 75 / 75 INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 88 / 200 AF: 0 / 50 CON: 75 / 75 PIE: 0 / 75 End: 0 / 25 DEX: 75 / 75 EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 8 / 26 QUI: 75 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25% Resists ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body: 25 / 26 Energy: 26 / 26 Crush: 26 / 26 (+3) Cold: 28 / 26 Matter: 28 / 26 Slash: 26 / 26 (+2) Heat: 25 / 26 (+5) Spirit: 24 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26 Essence: 0 / 26 Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 / 11 Blunt 11 / 11 Celtic Dual 7 / 11 Parry Piece Listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chest Name: Crafted Item1 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 31.0 of 32 Overcharge: 0 Gem 1: 16 Quickness - Polished Airy Essence Jewel Gem 2: 3 Thrust Resist - Rough Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 9 Energy Resist - Polished Light Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 4 Parry Skill - Flawed Vapor Battle Jewel Utility: 54.7 SC Cost: 19g 61s 80c SC Price: 19g 61s 80c Arms Name: Crafted Item2 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.5 of 32 Overcharge: 0.5 Gem 1: 10 Dexterity - Flawed Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 2: 5 Spirit Resist - Flawed Vapor Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 11 Crush Resist - Faceted Fiery Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 3 Parry Skill - Rough Vapor Battle Jewel Utility: 53.7 SC Cost: 16g 52s 40c SC Price: 16g 52s 40c Head Name: Crafted Item3 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.5 of 32 Overcharge: 0.5 Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 2: 10 Quickness - Flawed Airy Essence Jewel Gem 3: 7 Spirit Resist - Imperfect Vapor Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 7 Energy Resist - Imperfect Light Shielding Jewel Utility: 51.3 SC Cost: 35g 28s 20c SC Price: 35g 28s 20c Legs Name: Crafted Item4 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.0 of 32 Overcharge: 0 Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 2: 7 Thrust Resist - Imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 5 Heat Resist - Flawed Heated Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 3 Blunt Skill - Rough Fiery War Spell Stone Utility: 55.7 SC Cost: 31g 65s 60c SC Price: 31g 65s 60c Hands Name: Crafted Item5 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.0 of 32 Overcharge: 0 Gem 1: 4 Celtic Dual Skill - Flawed Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 19 Strength - Faceted Fiery Essence Jewel Gem 3: 9 Crush Resist - Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 3 Energy Resist - Rough Light Shielding Jewel Utility: 56.7 SC Cost: 24g 2s 0c SC Price: 24g 2s 0c Feet Name: Crafted Item6 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5 Gem 1: 3 Blunt Skill - Rough Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 2: 9 Thrust Resist - Polished Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 11 Slash Resist - Faceted Watery Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 13 Constitution - Imperfect Earthen Essence Jewel Utility: 63.7 SC Cost: 26g 66s 40c SC Price: 26g 66s 40c Right Hand Name: Crafted Item7 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.5 of 32 Overcharge: 0.5 Gem 1: 22 Strength - Precious Fiery Essence Jewel Gem 2: 22 Constitution - Precious Earthen Essence Jewel Gem 3: 3 Celtic Dual Skill - Rough Icy War Spell Stone Gem 4: 3 Blunt Skill - Rough Fiery War Spell Stone Utility: 59.3 SC Cost: 40g 56s 40c SC Price: 40g 56s 40c Left Hand Name: Crafted Item8 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.5 of 32 Overcharge: 0.5 Gem 1: 4 Celtic Dual Skill - Flawed Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 2 Blunt Skill - Uncut Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 3: 9 Slash Resist - Polished Watery Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 19 Quickness - Faceted Airy Essence Jewel Utility: 60.7 SC Cost: 23g 71s 0c SC Price: 23g 71s 0c Neck Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace - DF Neck diamonds Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 48 Hits Slot 2: 7 Thrust Resist Slot 3: 7 Body Resist Slot 4: 7 Energy Resist Utility: 54.0 Cloak Name: Defender's Cloak of the Strong Arm - The Lost Relic Quest Level: 51 Quality: 100 Slot 1: 22 Strength Slot 2: 22 Constitution Slot 3: 15 Dexterity Slot 4: 40 Hits Utility: 49.3 Jewel Name: Book of Arcane Dealings - Bog of Cullen (Black Wraith / Siabra Waterwalker) Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 8 Power Slot 2: 8 Cold Resist Slot 3: 8 Matter Resist Slot 4: 8 Heat Resist Utility: 53.3 Belt Name: Superior Accursed Belt of Might - DF Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 12 Strength Slot 2: 6 Body Resist Slot 3: 6 Crush Resist Slot 4: 6 Slash Resist Utility: 44.0 Left Ring Name: Glimmer Spirit Band Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 6 Quickness Slot 2: 6 Heat Resist Slot 3: 6 Body Resist Slot 4: 6 Spirit Resist Utility: 40.0 Right Ring Name: Glimmer Spirit Band Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 6 Quickness Slot 2: 6 Heat Resist Slot 3: 6 Body Resist Slot 4: 6 Spirit Resist Utility: 40.0 Left Wrist Name: Warshadow Bracer - SH Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 9 Constitution Slot 2: 9 Quickness Slot 3: 10 Cold Resist Slot 4: 10 Matter Resist Utility: 52.0 Right Wrist Name: Warshadow Bracer - SH Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 9 Constitution Slot 2: 9 Quickness Slot 3: 10 Cold Resist Slot 4: 10 Matter Resist Utility: 52.0 |
Hey Martoks,
here are some tips for your template: - you can overcharge up to 5.5 IP. Get 99% to 33.0 or 33.5 and 100% to 37.0 or 37.5 IP. - you did not cap your hitpoints, but they are very important (especial in PvE). Count them as +AllResists. ![]() - as widely known, sacrifice you heat resists first, if you can't cap everything. - if you looking for a cheap template, you should probably ignore Warshadow Bracer (if you not already have them). - the items you took are pretty standard and a good choice. |
Thanks for the help i forgot it was 5.5 oc not 4.5 it has been a while since i made a daoc template...
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk |
I went arms, feet,hands mp, epic jewel and epic ring(revelins ring, blademasters jewel) and only one warshadow bracer ( the three mps are about the same price as warshadow bracer) not all resists capped, but parry is and hp alsi
Okay so i have made another two templates one 99% and one MP.
Please let me know your thoughts Config Report Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STR: 75 / 75 INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 200 / 200 AF: 0 / 50 CON: 77 / 75 PIE: 0 / 75 End: 0 / 25 DEX: 77 / 75 EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26 QUI: 77 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25% Resists ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body: 26 / 26 Energy: 27 / 26 Crush: 26 / 26 (+3) Cold: 27 / 26 Matter: 26 / 26 Slash: 27 / 26 (+2) Heat: 26 / 26 (+5) Spirit: 26 / 26 Thrust: 27 / 26 Essence: 0 / 26 Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 / 11 Blunt 11 / 11 Celtic Dual 11 / 11 Parry Piece Listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chest Name: Crafted Item1 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5 Gem 1: 11 Heat Resist - Faceted Heated Shielding Jewel Gem 2: 11 Energy Resist - Faceted Light Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 7 Matter Resist - Imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 2 Slash Resist - Uncut Watery Shielding Jewel Utility: 62.0 SC Cost: 30g 80s 40c SC Price: 30g 80s 40c Arms Name: Crafted Item2 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 36.5 of 32 Overcharge: 4.5 Gem 1: 16 Dexterity - Polished Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 2: 7 Crush Resist - Imperfect Fiery Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 2 Body Resist - Uncut Dusty Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 13 Spirit Resist - Precious Vapor Shielding Jewel Utility: 54.7 SC Cost: 32g 96s 40c SC Price: 32g 96s 40c Head Name: Crafted Item3 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5 Gem 1: 52 Hits - Faceted Blood Essence Jewel Gem 2: 19 Quickness - Faceted Airy Essence Jewel Gem 3: 9 Slash Resist - Polished Watery Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 9 Energy Resist - Polished Light Shielding Jewel Utility: 61.7 SC Cost: 44g 45s 60c SC Price: 44g 45s 60c Legs Name: Crafted Item4 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5 Gem 1: 9 Thrust Resist - Polished Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 2: 16 Constitution - Polished Earthen Essence Jewel Gem 3: 9 Matter Resist - Polished Earthen Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 9 Heat Resist - Polished Heated Shielding Jewel Utility: 64.7 SC Cost: 35g 68s 20c SC Price: 35g 68s 20c Hands Name: Crafted Item5 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5 Gem 1: 3 Blunt Skill - Rough Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 2: 11 Crush Resist - Faceted Fiery Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 11 Body Resist - Faceted Dusty Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 7 Strength - Rough Fiery Essence Jewel Utility: 63.7 SC Cost: 27g 45s 20c SC Price: 27g 45s 20c Feet Name: Crafted Item6 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5 Gem 1: 3 Celtic Dual Skill - Rough Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 16 Strength - Polished Fiery Essence Jewel Gem 3: 19 Quickness - Faceted Airy Essence Jewel Gem 4: 11 Thrust Resist - Faceted Airy Shielding Jewel Utility: 60.3 SC Cost: 35g 92s 40c SC Price: 35g 92s 40c Right Hand Name: Crafted Item7 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5 Gem 1: 4 Celtic Dual Skill - Flawed Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 4 Blunt Skill - Flawed Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 3: 4 Parry Skill - Flawed Vapor Battle Jewel Gem 4: 22 Dexterity - Precious Vapor Essence Jewel Utility: 74.7 SC Cost: 24g 6s 20c SC Price: 24g 6s 20c Left Hand Name: Crafted Item8 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5 Gem 1: 4 Celtic Dual Skill - Flawed Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 4 Blunt Skill - Flawed Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 3: 4 Parry Skill - Flawed Vapor Battle Jewel Gem 4: 60 Hits - Precious Blood Essence Jewel Utility: 75.0 SC Cost: 24g 6s 20c SC Price: 24g 6s 20c Neck Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace - DF Neck diamonds Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 48 Hits Slot 2: 7 Thrust Resist Slot 3: 7 Body Resist Slot 4: 7 Energy Resist Utility: 54.0 Cloak Name: Defender's Cloak of the Strong Arm - The Lost Relic Quest Level: 51 Quality: 100 Slot 1: 22 Strength Slot 2: 22 Constitution Slot 3: 15 Dexterity Slot 4: 40 Hits Utility: 49.3 Jewel Name: Blademaster's Jewel - 45 epic BM Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 12 Constitution Slot 2: 12 Quickness Slot 3: 8 Crush Resist Slot 4: 8 Slash Resist Utility: 48.0 Belt Name: Bladeturn Belt - BM Epic lvl 43 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 12 Strength Slot 2: 12 Dexterity Slot 3: 8 Slash Resist Slot 4: 3 Parry Skill Utility: 47.0 Left Ring Name: Black Diamond Ring Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 18 Constitution Slot 2: 10 Cold Resist Slot 3: 18 Strength Utility: 44.0 Right Ring Name: Glimmer Spirit Band Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 6 Quickness Slot 2: 6 Heat Resist Slot 3: 6 Body Resist Slot 4: 6 Spirit Resist Utility: 40.0 Left Wrist Name: Warshadow Bracer - SH Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 9 Constitution Slot 2: 9 Quickness Slot 3: 10 Cold Resist Slot 4: 10 Matter Resist Utility: 52.0 Right Wrist Name: Mischievous Bracer - Skeaghshee Level: 51 Quality: 99 Slot 1: 12 Dexterity Slot 2: 12 Quickness Slot 3: 7 Cold Resist Slot 4: 7 Spirit Resist Utility: 44.0 The 99% is he same items but difference SC Config Report Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STR: 75 / 75 INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 88 / 200 AF: 0 / 50 CON: 77 / 75 PIE: 0 / 75 End: 0 / 25 DEX: 77 / 75 EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26 QUI: 77 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25% Resists ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body: 27 / 26 Energy: 25 / 26 Crush: 25 / 26 (+3) Cold: 27 / 26 Matter: 26 / 26 Slash: 27 / 26 (+2) Heat: 23 / 26 (+5) Spirit: 26 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26 Essence: 0 / 26 Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 / 11 Blunt 11 / 11 Celtic Dual 11 / 11 Parry Piece Listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chest Name: Crafted Item1 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 32.0 of 32 Overcharge: 0 Gem 1: 7 Heat Resist - Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel Gem 2: 9 Energy Resist - Polished Light Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 9 Matter Resist - Polished Earthen Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 3 Crush Resist - Rough Fiery Shielding Jewel Utility: 56.0 SC Cost: 22g 29s 20c SC Price: 22g 29s 20c Arms Name: Crafted Item2 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 33.0 of 32 Overcharge: 1 Gem 1: 16 Dexterity - Polished Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 2: 4 Strength - Uncut Fiery Essence Jewel Gem 3: 13 Spirit Resist - Precious Vapor Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 3 Thrust Resist - Rough Airy Shielding Jewel Utility: 45.3 SC Cost: 29g 32s 60c SC Price: 29g 32s 60c Head Name: Crafted Item3 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5 Gem 1: 16 Quickness - Polished Airy Essence Jewel Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - Precious Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 3: 9 Thrust Resist - Polished Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 9 Crush Resist - Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel Utility: 61.3 SC Cost: 46g 64s 60c SC Price: 46g 64s 60c Legs Name: Crafted Item4 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 33.5 of 32 Overcharge: 1.5 Gem 1: 16 Constitution - Polished Earthen Essence Jewel Gem 2: 3 Heat Resist - Rough Heated Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 11 Slash Resist - Faceted Watery Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 7 Matter Resist - Imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel Utility: 52.7 SC Cost: 26g 67s 0c SC Price: 26g 67s 0c Hands Name: Crafted Item5 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 33.5 of 32 Overcharge: 1.5 Gem 1: 19 Strength - Faceted Fiery Essence Jewel Gem 2: 7 Heat Resist - Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel Gem 3: 3 Celtic Dual Skill - Rough Icy War Spell Stone Gem 4: 9 Energy Resist - Polished Light Shielding Jewel Utility: 59.7 SC Cost: 26g 65s 20c SC Price: 26g 65s 20c Feet Name: Crafted Item6 Level: 51 Quality: 100 Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5 Gem 1: 5 Blunt Skill - Imperfect Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 2: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel Gem 3: 7 Thrust Resist - Imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 5 Crush Resist - Flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel Utility: 63.7 SC Cost: 29g 34s 40c SC Price: 29g 34s 40c Right Hand Name: Crafted Item7 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 33.5 of 32 Overcharge: 1.5 Gem 1: 4 Celtic Dual Skill - Flawed Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 3 Blunt Skill - Rough Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 3: 4 Parry Skill - Flawed Vapor Battle Jewel Gem 4: 7 Body Resist - Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel Utility: 69.0 SC Cost: 7g 20s 40c SC Price: 7g 20s 40c Left Hand Name: Crafted Item8 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 33.5 of 32 Overcharge: 1.5 Gem 1: 4 Celtic Dual Skill - Flawed Icy War Spell Stone Gem 2: 3 Blunt Skill - Rough Fiery War Spell Stone Gem 3: 4 Parry Skill - Flawed Vapor Battle Jewel Gem 4: 7 Body Resist - Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel Utility: 69.0 SC Cost: 7g 20s 40c SC Price: 7g 20s 40c |
Can someone verify that Item? Back in those days it used to have +12STR +8Slash +3Parry (without the dex). Maybe they changed it? |
Martoks, your 99 set, besides the mp boots, item 3 shows needing 37 imbue points = needs mp, so this is actually a 2 mp set. I verified by putting it into my SC calc.
Head Name: Crafted Item3 Level: 51 Quality: 99 Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5 Gem 1: 16 Quickness - Polished Airy Essence Jewel Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - Precious Vapor Essence Jewel Gem 3: 9 Thrust Resist - Polished Airy Shielding Jewel Gem 4: 9 Crush Resist - Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel Utility: 61.3 SC Cost: 46g 64s 60c SC Price: 46g 64s 60c My friend wants me to SC for him using your template, yet its still only has 88/200 hits. The Spellcrafter in me says NOOOOO dont do it. If it was just some customer I didn't know and I was only given what to put on the armor I would have no clue if something wasn't close to max. You want these stats on your armor? Sure. The customer got what he asked for and I got paid. |
Drop heat resist and add hits.
Jax SawtheLight - 50 Mentalist - Legendary Tailor
Wheats WorstNightmare - Legendary Alchemist Kobane - 4x Druid <Expedient Demise> |
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