High Quality Druid Templates

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Postby Selinde » Mar 08, 2017 19:34

High Quality Druid Templates

Hey druid folks!

I’m often getting asked to help at building new spellcrafted templates, so I thought I could share my knowledge and write a little guide to assist new (and old) level 50 druids choosing their template. Here is some information and hints that might be useful.

In general, our templates are not so hard to calculate (yay!) – other classes are not so lucky like us, but we also have some good room to min / maximize our new gear. You have to choose what kind of template you would like to own at the end. How many platinum are you willing to pay, how much stats do you prefer, how much luxury stats would you like to have and so on. I prepared 4 highly optimized spellcrafting templates, so you should find the right one for you. I’ll give you some basic advice about a few things first, you should know.


Some of our stats have some special conditions or other different values. Here is a little list.

    Regrowth (basic):
    Without going into too much detail: Regrowth reduces the variance of your baseline healing spells. If you only use spec heals you won’t get any benefit from it, but most druids use the small baseline heal very often (especially in PvE) so capping it at +11 is almost always a good idea.

    Nurture (half luxurious):
    Increasing Nurture through items is… eh… more or less useful. It will improve your baseline buffs (no spec buffs!) a little bit until the cap of 50 is reached. You probably want to aim for 48 composite Nurture. That gives you the maximum benefit from your level 48 Dexterity buff, which you will cast on yourself. You need 50 Nurture for maximum Strength, but the tanks in your group should be getting that from the Bard or Warden.

    Power (luxurious):
    Power is a luxurious stat in every template because it's so damn expensive in terms of imbue points. It caps at 26 ((Level/2) +1) and in most cases this is not even one good level 50 cast. Sadly, it's really only +26 power and not +26% power pool, that would be another story. Some spellcrafting calculators cap +power +25 instead of +26, so keep an eye on that if you are calculating.

    Heat resistance (luxurious):
    A mistake I often see is that people tend to give different resistances and the same value. It may look way better if all of your resistances are between 24% and 26% but in terms of min/max templates you have to choose proper. For Hibernia the least important one is heat resistance, so don't sacrifice 2% slash resistances and 2% cold resistances to get 4% heat resistances, it’s not worth it. To get a nice overview, this list is pretty accurate for Uthgard 2.0. As you can see, only a fire wizard (and maybe some procs) will do heat damage, so every other resistance is more important. In many templates this is the first stat you reduce if you can’t cap the more important stats.

    Strength (very luxurious):
    Strength counts as a very luxurious stat. We don’t really need it, though, there are some little uses. You can carry a ram by your own, carry some more reagents if you are a crafter, won’t get overloaded if you are S/C debuffed, do minimal more damage in melee and get muscles like Chuck Norris. Nothing really amazing.

Items and spellcrafting

If you are building your (first) own template, keep these things in mind.

    - Think different! Don’t only use the first jewelry that comes into your mind. There are more good items in the world than you might think. Some items that are very good but rarely used are: DF Rings, DF Jewels, Epic Quest Jewels and some low level quest items. For example: As a nightshade you can get a belt from a level 35 quest with more utility then the belt from Cuuldurach, the dragon.

    - Don’t overestimate Warshadow Bracer! These bracers are getting templated waaay too often. They seem to have good Value at the beginning, but they are expensive like hell and have very bad synergy with DF Diamond Seal items. However, I think this counts more to other classes, since we almost exclusively use the Glimmershade Bracer for our high end templates.

    - Overcharge your items to 5.0 or 5.5! You may think this is common knowledge, but there are so many templates that don’t get overcharged perfectly. If you don’t need to overcharge so much, save some money!

    - Reduce the costs of your template! Good ways to do so are: Use some epic armor in your template (druid legs have best value, druid chest is not so good but replaces expensive crafted armor), lower crafted quality to 98% and use as many quest and DF items as your template can afford. The highest crafted quality items should be in this order: shield -> hand = feet -> arms -> legs = head -> weapon -> chest. If possible, switch the expensive parts with parts of your epic armor first. If you don’t overload your crafted items, the SC part will get cheaper too.

Calculating the costs

I calculated the cost of every one of the upcoming 4 templates to give a better overview and to compare it with other templates. You will see that after the basic important stats are reached, the costs will go extremely high for only a little additional use - Decide for yourself if the additional cost is worth it.

Prices I used to value templated items:

    - Diamond Seal: 11g
    - Sapphire Seal: 3g
    - Drops: Average price at the market
    - Quests: No costs

Formulas I used to calculate average material costs:

    - crafted 100% item = 1 try + 49 retries
    (The odds of getting a masterpiece are 1 in 50. There will be an AVERAGE of 50 tries for each masterpiece. This means that in those 50 attempts, 49 of those will be retries and one will be the actual item.)

    - crafted 99% item = 1 try + 5 retries
    (99% items have approx 1 in 6 change of being made. This means that there will be an AVERAGE of 6 tries for each 99% item. This means that in those 6 attempts, 5 of those will be retries and one will be the actual item.)

    - crafted 98% item = 1 try + 2 retries
    (98% items have approx 1 in 6 change of being made. However, almost all decent crafters (including myself) will give a 99% item if they make it while crafting your order. This reduces the chance to getting a 98-99% item to 2 in 6, or one in 3. This means that there will be an AVERAGE of 3 tries for each 98-99% item. This means that in those 3 attempts, 2 of those will be retries and one will be the actual item.)

Thanks to Realjones (Albion / Pellinor) for his nice overview.

Choosing the right template

I did some (way too much) number crunching to calculate the optimal druid templates. Sure, there are many other possibilities, but I think these results are very good and at a very high level. As I mentioned before, I did a few templates. The first one is the low-cost-template, it does cap the important non luxury stats at really minimal costs. The second one will cap all important stats including luxury stats, and the third template will also cap Strength at +75 (even more luxury, because we can!). The last one is the same as the third, just with a hooded cloak. For some people, style is important!

Template 1: DruidCheapBasic (or CheapAsHell!)
Template 2: DruidCheapMax (or FirstCapThanCheap!)
Template 3: DruidUltraLuxury (or ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!)
Template 4: DruidUltraLuxuryHood (or ShutUpAndTakeMyMoneyWithHood!)

(Use search (CTRL + F) to jump directly to a template)


Template 1: DruidCheapBasic (or CheapAsHell!)
Costs: ~1.7p, ~900g without jewelry

This template caps all important stats and ignores unnecessary luxury. The main goal was, to build a template as cheap as possible with all important stats. This took even more effort than those high end templates because of all that gold calculating that has to be done. Was even harder than raiding Legion! But I got some good results, haven’t seen any cheaper template.

    + Capped Con / Dex / Emp / Hits
    + Capped all resists (except heat)
    + Capped +11 Regrowth
    + Used only very cheap armor (4xEpicArmor, 3x98%, 1x99%)
    + Used only very cheap jewelry (4xDF, 3xQuest, 1xSH)
    + Overcharged every crafted item to 5.0 or 5.5 points

    - Missing heat resistance (luxury)
    - Missing power (luxury)

    Crafting material costs = 656g
    Spellcrafting material costs (4 items) = 233g
    Jewelry costs = 816g
    = 1705g

So this template will only cost ~1.7p or maybe even just ~ 900g since you will get those DF and epic items anyway on your way to level 50. Keep in mind that it’s only material costs. Most spellcrafters charge 350g – 400g per item and other crafter will also add markups to earn some gold.

Druid (Cheap - BASIC)
Pastebin Link

Con: 76/75
Dex: 75/75
Emp: 76/75
Hits: 204/200

Body: 26
Cold: 28
Heat: 0
Energy: 27
Matter: 26
Spirit: 26
Crush: 26
Slash: 26
Thrust: 26

Regrowth: 11
Nurture: 3

Chest: (EpicQuest, 0g)
15 Empathy
3 Nature Affinity
10% Slash
30 Hits

Arms: (EpicQuest, 0g)
13 Strength
13 Constitution
13 Empathy
8% Matter

Head: (EpicQuest, 0g)
15 Empathy
3 Nurture
3 Nature Affinity
27 Hits

Legs: (EpicQuest, 0g)
57 Hits
8% Crush
8% Spirit
8% Cold

Imbue: 29.5/24 (Quality: 98) (154g + 80g SC)
9% Spirit
3 Regrowth
2% Crush
22 Dexterity

Imbue: 29.5/24 (Quality: 98) (154g + 54g SC)
9% Energy
9% Thrust
5% Slash
4 Empathy

Right Hand:
Imbue: 29.0/24 (Quality: 98) (291g + 33g SC)
12 Hits
4 Regrowth
9% Matter
5% Slash

Left Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (57g + 66g SC)
11% Energy
10 Constitution
3% Body
9% Matter

Neck (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace): (17 Diamond Seals, 187g)
7% Thrust
7% Body
7% Energy
48 Hits

Cloak (Defender's Cloak of the Affinity): (Quest, 0g)
22 Empathy
15 Dexterity
15 Constitution
4 Regrowth

Jewel (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond): (21 Diamond Seals, 231g)
18 Strength
10% Body
10% Cold

Belt (Accursed Belt of Might): (25 Sapphire Seals, 75g)
12 Strength
6% Crush
6% Slash
6% Body

Left Ring (Revelin's Ring): (Quest, 0g)
30 Hits
10% Crush
10% Cold

Right Ring (Shadow Ring): (~125g)
7 Empathy
9 Dexterity
9 Constitution
10% Thrust

Left Wrist (Bracer of Jade): (Quest, 0g)
7 Dexterity
7 Constitution
9% Spirit

Right Wrist (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Bracer): (18 Diamond Seals, 198g)
22 Constitution
22 Dexterity


Template 2: DruidCheapMax (or FirstCapThanCheap!)
Costs: ~4.3p, ~2.1p without jewelry

This template caps all the important and also the luxury stats. It’s the template most druids are looking for because it has no weakness. The jewelry has some very high value and very good synergies. Most templates use it in that combination with 99% armor, but you don’t actually need it. I reduced some parts to 98% and build some epic gear into it to make it as cheap as possible after reaching cap on all the important stats. That’s why it’s called “FirstCapThanCheap”!

    + Capped Con / Dex / Emp / Hits / Power
    + Capped all resists
    + Capped +11 Regrowth
    + Used only very cheap armor (2xEpicArmor, 3x98%, 3x99%)
    + Overcharged every crafted item to 5.0 or 5.5 points

    - None
    - (You may look somewhat funny with only epic chest and legs)

    Crafting material costs = 1563g
    Spellcrafting material costs (6 items) = 495g
    Jewelry costs = 2232g
    = 4290g

So all together this template will cost ~ 4.3p. Keep in mind that this are only material costs. Most spellcrafters charge something like 350g – 400g per item and other crafter will also add markups to earn some gold.

Druid (Cheap - MAX)
Pastebin Link

Con: 75/75
Dex: 76/75
Emp: 85/75
Hits: 203/200
Power: 26/26

Body: 27
Cold: 26
Heat: 26
Energy: 26
Matter: 28
Spirit: 28
Crush: 26
Slash: 26
Thrust: 27

Regrowth: 11
Nurture: 6

Chest: (EpicQuest, 0g)
15 Empathy
3 Nature Affinity
10% Slash
30 Hits

Imbue: 29.0/24 (Quality: 98) (304g + 63g SC)
5% Crush
7% Cold
7% Energy
19 Dexterity

Imbue: 29.5/24 (Quality: 98) (455g + 84g SC)
3% Cold
9% Heat
22 Constitution
5% Slash

Legs: (EpicQuest, 0g)
57 Hits
8% Crush
8% Spirit
8% Cold

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (228g + 69g SC)
5 Power
11% Thrust
16 Constitution
5% Energy

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (228g + 94g SC)
5 Power
7% Body
9% Heat
22 Constitution

Right Hand:
Imbue: 29.5/24 (Quality: 98) (291g + 98g SC)
1 Regrowth
68 Hits
5% Slash
9% Thrust

Left Hand:
Imbue: 33.0/28 (Quality: 99) (57g + 87g SC)
7% Body
7% Energy
7% Crush
22 Dexterity

Neck (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace): (17 Diamond Seals, 187g)
7% Thrust
7% Body
7% Energy
48 Hits

Cloak (Defender's Cloak of the Affinity): (Quest, 0g)
22 Empathy
15 Dexterity
15 Constitution
4 Regrowth

Jewel (Book of Arcane Dealings): (~500g)
8% Cold
8% Heat
8% Matter
6 Power

Belt (Accursed Belt of Might): (25 Sapphire Seals, 75g)
12 Strength
6% Crush
6% Slash
6% Body

Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): (45 Sapphire Seals, 135g)
15 Empathy
3 Regrowth
3 Nurture
5 Power

Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): (45 Sapphire Seals, 135g)
15 Empathy
3 Regrowth
3 Nurture
5 Power

Left Wrist (Glimmershade Bracer): (~600g)
10 Dexterity
9 Empathy
10% Spirit
10% Matter

Right Wrist (Glimmershade Bracer): (~600g)
10 Dexterity
9 Empathy
10% Spirit
10% Matter


Template 3: DruidUltraLuxury (or ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!)
Costs: ~7.3p, ~5.0p without jewelry

Okay, if you want to cap all the stats like in the template before and even strength on the top of it, this template is absolutely made for you. 99% crafted items all the way with one MP to get all the stats you want. Better bring some money with you! Right now I’m using this template because I like to have “perfect” templates.

    + Capped Str / Con / Dex / Emp / Hits / Power
    + Capped all resists
    + Capped +11 Regrowth
    + Used only one MP (Shield)
    + Overcharged every crafted item to 5.0 or 5.5 points

    - None
    - (A little, little bit expensive)

    Crafting material costs = 4160g
    Spellcrafting material costs (8 items) = 887g
    Jewelry costs = 2232g
    = 7279g

So all together this template will cost ~7.3p. Keep in mind that this are only material costs. Most spellcrafter charge something like 350g – 400g per item and other crafter will also add markups to earn some gold.

Druid (Ultra Luxury)
Pastebin Link

Str: 75/75
Con: 75/75
Dex: 76/75
Emp: 77/75
Hits: 200/200
Power: 26/26

Body: 27
Cold: 26
Heat: 26
Energy: 26
Matter: 28
Spirit: 27
Crush: 26
Slash: 26
Thrust: 26

Regrowth: 11
Nurture: 6

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (1126g + 72g SC)
16 Dexterity
9% Crush
7% Spirit
7% Energy

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (451g + 107g SC)
25 Strength
7 Empathy
9% Slash
7 Power

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (674g + 104g SC)
22 Constitution
9% Heat
9% Energy
3 Power

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (674g + 119g SC)
25 Dexterity
9% Cold
9% Crush
1% Thrust

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (228g + 120g SC)
10 Constitution
11% Slash
1 Regrowth
76 Hits

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (228g + 164g SC)
28 Constitution
5% Body
2% Crush
76 Hits

Right Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (433g + 104g SC)
9% Thrust
3% Energy
22 Strength
9% Heat

Left Hand:
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100) (346 + 97g SC)
9% Body
9% Thrust
16 Strength
9% Cold

Neck (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace): (17 Diamond Seals, 187g)
7% Thrust
7% Body
7% Energy
48 Hits

Cloak (Defender's Cloak of the Affinity): (Quest, 0g)
22 Empathy
15 Dexterity
15 Constitution
4 Regrowth

Jewel (Book of Arcane Dealings): (~500g)
8% Cold
8% Heat
8% Matter
6 Power

Belt (Accursed Belt of Might): (25 Sapphire Seals, 75g)
12 Strength
6% Crush
6% Slash
6% Body

Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): (45 Sapphire Seals, 135g)
15 Empathy
3 Regrowth
3 Nurture
5 Power

Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): (45 Sapphire Seals, 135g)
15 Empathy
3 Regrowth
3 Nurture
5 Power

Left Wrist (Glimmershade Bracer): (~600g)
10 Dexterity
9 Empathy
10% Spirit
10% Matter

Right Wrist (Glimmershade Bracer): (~600g)
10 Dexterity
9 Empathy
10% Spirit
10% Matter


Template 4: DruidUltraLuxuryHood (or ShutUpAndTakeMyMoneyWithHood!)
Costs: ~7.3p, ~5.0p without jewelry

This template is relatively equal to the one before – does cap everything including strength. The only difference is the usage of Banba’s Cloak for Druids instead of the Defender's Cloak of the Affinity so you will get a hooded cloak at the cost of 7 strength points. Sadly, Defender’s Cloak can’t get hooded.

    + Capped Con / Dex / Emp / Hits / Power
    + Capped all resists
    + Capped +11 Regrowth
    + Used only one MP (Shield)
    + Overcharged every crafted item to 5.0 or 5.5 points
    + Hooded!

    - None
    - (A little, little bit expensive)

    Crafting material costs = 4160g
    Spellcrafting material costs (8 items) = 873g
    Jewelry costs = 2232g
    = 7265g

So all together this template will cost ~7.3p. Keep in mind that this are only material costs. Most spellcrafters charge something like 350g – 400g per item and other crafter will also add markups to earn some gold.

Druid (Ultra Luxury Hood)
Pastebin Link

STR: 68/75
CON: 75/75
DEX: 76/75
EMP: 76/75
Hits: 200/200
Power: 26/26

Body: 26
Cold: 26
Heat: 26
Energy: 26
Matter: 28
Spirit: 27
Crush: 26
Slash: 26
Thrust: 26

Regrowth: 11
Nurture: 6

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (1126g + 103g SC)
28 Strength
7% Thrust
7% Body
2 Regrowth

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (451g + 104g SC)
22 Constitution
9% Heat
9% Slash
3% Thrust

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (674g + 71g SC)
16 Dexterity
9% Cold
7% Spirit
7 Power

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (674g + 119g SC)
11% Crush
3% Body
76 Hits
3 Power

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (228g + 165g SC)
28 Strength
2% Slash
5% Energy
76 Hits

Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (228g + 104g SC)
22 Constitution
9% Heat
9% Thrust
3% Body

Right Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99) (433g + 77g SC)
16 Constitution
9% Cold
9% Crush
5% Energy

Left Hand:
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100) (346g + 130g SC)
25 Dexterity
13 Empathy
9% Energy
9% Slash

Neck (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace): (17 Diamond Seals, 187g)
7% Thrust
7% Body
7% Energy
48 Hits

Cloak (Banba's Cloak for Druids): (Quest, 0g)
15 Empathy
15 Dexterity
15 Constitution
3 Regrowth

Jewel (Book of Arcane Dealings): (~500g)
8% Cold
8% Heat
8% Matter
6 Power

Belt (Accursed Belt of Might): (25 Sapphire Seals, 75g)
12 Strength
6% Crush
6% Slash
6% Body

Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): (45 Sapphire Seals, 135g)
15 Empathy
3 Regrowth
3 Nurture
5 Power

Left Ring (Superior Accursed Bone Ring): (45 Sapphire Seals, 135g)
15 Empathy
3 Regrowth
3 Nurture
5 Power

Left Wrist (Glimmershade Bracer): (~600g)
10 Dexterity
9 Empathy
10% Spirit
10% Matter

Right Wrist (Glimmershade Bracer): (~600g)
10 Dexterity
9 Empathy
10% Spirit
10% Matter


So i hope you get some use of this guide. Fell free to message me in game (Selinde) for corrections, new ideas or questions about templates. I'm also a Legendary Spellcrafter, so taking orders.

Make sure joining our Hibernia community at Discord. For Hibernia!

Thanks to Eby for correcting my typos, Caly for not correcting my typos, Rent for building up this community and my guild for being awesome!
Last edited by Selinde on Mar 22, 2017 13:00, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby vizabulb » Mar 10, 2017 04:27

Thanks so much! My druid is 41 now and starting to gear up for RVR.

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Joined: Jul 28, 2012 02:51

Postby Aten » Mar 10, 2017 07:04

Great post. Should be stickied.

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Joined: Apr 20, 2017 23:16

Postby d00s » May 14, 2017 21:32

This is genious!

Thank you so much for this!
Saved me alot of trouble.

Not sure if it's sticky, but it should be :)
Shimtosar <Celtic Fist> - Animist
Gnutosar <Celtic Fist> - Druid

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