Some ench vet can explain this? About focuspull + passivepet

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Postby GreenP » Jun 09, 2016 15:10

Hey, need some old LIVE pve ench-(or sm-/caba)focuspullvets to explain or clarify if that ever worked on live?
When it got changed(tested this mechanic some weeks ago on live and couldnt reproduce :/ ) Nothing to be found in patchnotes etc.

All these quotes are from 2003-2006 and explain, that you could set pet to passive and wait 10seconds to launch MCL/pots and/or get powerticks off fop (font of power ... toa power-reg i guess) during midfight.

If i remember correctly it also worked like that on uth 1.0 ... 2 quotes even advice enchs not to use the base dmgshield in case they wanna use mcl and thats exactly how it worked on uth1. ... st-2955770

MCL3 my SM doesn't run out of power either. (But I have a 10sec delay in which the pet has to be on passive before I can fire MCL), before continuing. ... st-2108782
Don't use the base damage shield if you plan on using a pot or MCL mid pull though. ... st-2776704
i'd say mcl because serenity wont work in combat and your not really gonna get hit thus the only thing slowing you is power.

you can wait 10 seconds out of combat for mcl or have longer breaks and let serenity kick in and regen.
MCL 2+ - if FDS is down and your pet is on passive you can use MCL after 10 seconds - I just upgraded to MCL3 because I think with all the power pool I have I can keep FDS up indefinitely with it (pending testing).

FYI, for all of above techniques, when you run OOP you must put the pet on passive and drop FDS to regain power. Chanters must NOT use their baseline castable DS on the pet, or they won't be able to take a hit from the FOP/use potions/pop MCL ... st-2638909
You can also pop MCL when pet is on passive and focus shield is down for 10secs.

Any ideas?!
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Postby Ayun » Jun 09, 2016 20:21

You are out of combat even if your pet gets hit as long as the pet doesnt deal any damage. This allows mcl even when mobs are hitting your pet. Similarly, sending a passive pet in a grp of mobs and letting it die will not cause the mobs to attack you afterwards.

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Postby Foneb » Jun 09, 2016 22:34

Ayun wrote:You are out of combat even if your pet gets hit as long as the pet doesnt deal any damage. This allows mcl even when mobs are hitting your pet. Similarly, sending a passive pet in a grp of mobs and letting it die will not cause the mobs to attack you afterwards.

Exactly this yes.
Uswd this many times on my first char on live (pre si 1.5ish) to get through cm area because the grps never wanted to pick people up at the entrance ;-)
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Postby Makish » Jun 09, 2016 22:47

Yeah, that is how it worked - what exactly is your question?
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Postby dabri0n » Jun 09, 2016 23:05

Guess the question is: Is all of this correct, since GP fails to reproduce it on current live DAoC.

Haven't played pet classes much, so I don't know. What I know is that ppl lost speed due to combat timers when pets were not passive (since they attacked back immediately). When pets were on passive in the same situation the master would not loose speed.

Since both cases are related to adverse effects of combat timers, I am inclined to say aggressed pets in passive mode don't tranfer combat timer to their master. But I don't know much for sure.
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Postby GreenP » Jun 10, 2016 13:05

Ayun wrote:You are out of combat even if your pet gets hit as long as the pet doesnt deal any damage. This allows mcl even when mobs are hitting your pet. Similarly, sending a passive pet in a grp of mobs and letting it die will not cause the mobs to attack you afterwards.

Yes i know, i used this mechanic also quite often on uthgard 1.0^^
But that doesnt help me to get it fixed/working for uthgard 2.0
I need some sort of evidence why/when this got changed on live.

Uth2.0 aswell as live do show the same behaviour atm
a) cant use mcl even if your pet is set to passive and deals 0 dmg
b) speedchant will drop for the master and not retick as long as the passive pet gets hit by something

Some uthench can confirm its still acting like in a) and b) rightnow?
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Postby Kharlo » Jun 10, 2016 13:20

I remember the days farming with my necro som or other artes.. If you make your pet passive, you will be able to use mcl.

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Postby GreenP » Jun 11, 2016 13:46

GreenP wrote:Uth2.0 aswell as live do show the same behaviour atm
a) cant use mcl even if your pet is set to passive and deals 0 dmg
b) speedchant will drop for the master and not retick as long as the passive pet gets hit by something

Some uthench can confirm its still acting like in a) and b) rightnow?

Ok i asked some ench to test and its like in a) and b).
What gives? :?
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Postby GreenP » Jun 15, 2016 20:56

I found the missing piece myself. Hope thats enough evidence for them... ... /focuspull

I claimed it got changed around 1.70 and just now i found this info ... close enough
Anmerkung: Vor 1.69 war es möglich, MKL durch kurzzeitiges Passivstellen des Pets auch im Kampf zu benutzen. Dies geht nun nicht mehr. MKL ist nun unabhängig von der Einstellung des Pets immer erst 10 Sekunden nach der letzten Kampfaktion verwendbar.
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Postby Teholdsedare » Jun 17, 2016 04:30

I cant contribute to the workings of this, as I am only level 19 and dont have MCL yet.

However I will say the true advantage was on hib for this, when pulling CM pit, I would have the pet as passive 100% of the time, place a PF at the weewere camp 4-way (as I do remember gaining power while mobs were hitting pet using this pet pull tactic)

I would have my chanter 40 mana 36 enchantment (heal proc was the important part here as it would generate aggro for the pet, not the chanter every time it proc'ed) 50 nurture druid (as all red buffs increase the absorb of the ally pet - as the ally has the highest absorb already, and any stat buff cast on the pet directly increases the absorb factor of the pet) and a mana menty (because you can cast the HoT on the pet, and that spell doesn't generate aggro towards the caster, but this is known.)
Combine these factors, and you had a godly pet. (We did this pre ML9 nerf, in PoC and had similar success. We had a record pull of 244 mobs in one pull, and shortly after that PoC mobs had a hard code deaggro timer put in. I wonder why...)

Best part was, if you go after aggro mobs, you never use your pet to attack. So if you screwed up the pet pull, then the pet died, and all mobs went home. Totally OP.

Something to consider, we had TOA templates with power uses, so we never used MCL.

I have noticed some very strange bugs with pets here
For instance, when a pet is casting a spell, it also suffers interruption timer the same way any caster does. So while my ally is on passive, it will try to cast the heal over time, and fail. repeatedly. causing the pet to take forever to get to the desired passive location. This is going to ****** me off to no end in RVR if random things interrupt my ally pet heals...

Or how if a stealther hits you, and you send your pet to attack him, and he stealths, your pet still chases. Period. Your pet hunts the player as if they are not stealthed. FYI this was discovered on my SM last week...

Or how your pet cant see the target, so it wont respond when you can see the target in order to attack the target. I can understand this not working for a caster pet, but when used my pet stalls and ignores my commands, usually reverts it to defensive status, and just sits there attacking...

Or how when I am pulling multiple mobs, the pet is able to swing at the targets behind him when heading to the next mob I want to pull onto my FDS pull, this stalls the pull badly, as on retail, it would not attack mobs behind it, and when in range of its intended target, it would instantly attack. As for now, it usually just recently hit the mobs behind it, so it just sits there waiting for the swing timer to reset. Often I dont realize this, or cant see it due to the size or orientation of the mob (what way its facing) And send to next mob, just to realize it was skipped. The only way I can get this to work as it did on retail, is by first setting pet to passive, and then instantly sending to the next target. But with my latency, it costs me 1-2 seconds for every target. Wasting vital power during my pulls.

I have no idea where to find info about proving these issues valid. If you know where to find it, let me know.
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