Some questions...

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Postby Scor » Apr 03, 2017 10:41

I got some question to my enchanter and hope u can get me some answers.

1. How the buff (Piercing Magic) works? Does the lvl 50 buff really increase the pet cast damagy by 40%? Is it possibly that a full enchanter pet can chain kill yellows without the help of the enchanter?

2. If i do focus pulls shall i use both damage shields or only the focus one?

3. Does int or +mana skill increase the Focus shield damage? Does +skill over your lvl increase your spell damage?

4. Would u spec full mana as a solo enchanter or splitt some Points into enchantment for the second buff?

5. If u bomb in a group do u use the highest pbae or a lower on to save mana and cast earlier and more often?

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Postby Vociridu » Apr 05, 2017 22:57

Scor wrote:1. How the buff (Piercing Magic) works? Does the lvl 50 buff really increase the pet cast damagy by 40%? Is it possibly that a full enchanter pet can chain kill yellows without the help of the enchanter?

I don't know the answer to this but I am very interested in finding out - worst case I respec my chanter and find out.

Scor wrote:2. If i do focus pulls shall i use both damage shields or only the focus one?

Always use your focus shield and the 10min duration shield. Here's a little secret: I leveled through Fins only using the lvl 30 focus shield. It was plenty good with not one person questioning. This was lvl's 42-50 (although I don't think I was focus pulling until lvl 44)

Scor wrote:3. Does int or +mana skill increase the Focus shield damage? Does +skill over your lvl increase your spell damage?

AFAIK it won't increase your focus shield damage, at least not that I have noticed. I may do some testing out of curiosity

Scor wrote:4. Would u spec full mana as a solo enchanter or splitt some Points into enchantment for the second buff?

Right now I am on the fence with switching from mana RvR spec to a split mana/chantment PvE spec for solo farming. If you are only going to solo then any extra buff for your pet increases it's survivability.

Scor wrote:5. If u bomb in a group do u use the highest pbae or a lower on to save mana and cast earlier and more often?

I have always used my biggest bomb. I don't typically have mana issues - this can be dependent on your group make up vs the mob(s) you're attacking.
Focus pulling I usually don't start to AoE until the highest HP mob is below 70ish %
For Tank holding aggro then it can vary. I find 60% is good enough to not pull aggro until the end. If the tank can't land taunt styles then I would wait for ~50%

You'll learn how to best judge when to AoE as you level. If you're already 50 and haven't learned then, well, I can't help ya.
Vociridu (Enchanter)- Voriax (Nightshade) - Videx (Valewalker)

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Postby Matricus » Apr 06, 2017 12:03

Scor wrote:1. How the buff (Piercing Magic) works? Does the lvl 50 buff really increase the pet cast damagy by 40%? Is it possibly that a full enchanter pet can chain kill yellows without the help of the enchanter?

The buff will let the pet ignore a certain amount of the targets damage resists, so it's hitting more often and potential increasing its damage.
It's working like the resist pierce bonus that came for players with ToA.

Scor wrote:2. If i do focus pulls shall i use both damage shields or only the focus one?

Both. The base line shield damage will be reduced to 50% effectiveness, but still some additional damage.
But more importantly is, that the pet is getting aggro during pull phase without u requiring to use focus shield.

3. Does int or +mana skill increase the Focus shield damage? Does +skill over your lvl increase your spell damage?

Focus shield damage is not affected by any stat of your own.
Like any damage shield it's based on the enemies own strength (damage on hit + swing speed).

4. Would u spec full mana as a solo enchanter or splitt some Points into enchantment for the second buff?

During leveling til 40 I did keep mana 1 level below character level and pumped the rest into pet buffs. Spec buffs will increase the pets absorb quite significantly + you only need a bard for great duo pet pull action.

5. If u bomb in a group do u use the highest pbae or a lower on to save mana and cast earlier and more often?

IMO this is not a matter of mana (focus staff reducing cost by up to 20%), but of aggro.
If the tanks (or the pet) can keep the aggro savely, use highest bomb available (and start bombing at ~60% if the mobs are much higher).
If the mobs tend to aggro you, use the 2nd highest bomb - or wait til 50%.

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Postby Icp » Aug 16, 2017 08:46

some questions (II):

do the pet-spec-buffs work? if i buff dex/qui and str/const i cant noticed faster casting/hitting or regging hitpoints after more const

do petbuffs increase absorb of pet (i think no, bc not concbased) ?

any chance to increase damage of damageshields by debuffs?

does brainbuff increases pet nukes?

any chance that petnukes are critical?

thnx :)

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Postby Onnit » Aug 27, 2017 12:42

As I understand it all buffs on pets just increase absorb so there is no faster or harder nuking unfortunately.

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