Small Shield vs Large Shield When Stunned
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I'm stunned. I have 4 midgard tanks beating on me. Does the large shield help me if I'm stuck in a stun? |
You can't do anything whilst stunned. That includes blocking. Others can block for you if they Guard you, but you cannot do anything yourself when stunned. Other than Purge I guess. My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
Even if you had purged and had a large shield equipped, you wouldn't have blocked much against 4 targets and a Berserker. A large shield allows you to not suffer from any penalties against <4 targets, but it dramatically drops at 4 and more (related issue). A Berserker divides your block rate by 2, but it only benefits himself.
Thanks guys. So really no point in pulling out my large shield unless I'm tanking guards or pveing then?
only if u guard a team mate
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Is that so? I always thought it would be only a matter when blocking atackers on yourself
Size of ur Shiled only matters when ur blocking for yourself.
Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
Are you sure about this? I have no idea about the implementation on Uth2 but my memory tells me that large shield can block 3 targets, medium 2 and small 1 target even when using guard - but ONLY in PvE. When blocking against players shield size isn't considered. Small shields are used for their speed. Please do correct me if I'm wrong as I have never really questioned it properly. My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
Uff, tbh i cant tell you for sure, let me phrase this way; there should be no difference in the Way Shieldsize influences Block between PvE and RvR
Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
Small shield is normally used in RVR for the speed and the lower end usage on slam, larger shields should still be used for guarding against multiple attackers although obviously over 3 attackers will cause problems. If it doesn't work that way there should be an issue in the tracker.
There is no difference in guarding between large and small shield. Shield size only matters for blocking for yourself. That's it.
Apologies I meant guard in a generic sense (block) not in the skill Guard, I can't find any information though about what the 3 levels of Guard do?
Something new I found out is that you can swap shields while in stun. So even if can't block while stunned, you can at least put up the large shield to block against 2-3 attackers in the chance you make it out of stun alive.
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This. 100% this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
My basic question here is.... can you block/evade when you are stunned?
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