Small Shield vs Large Shield When Stunned

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Eagle Knight
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Postby Requin » May 10, 2018 20:05

FreedomCall wrote:My basic question here is.... can you block/evade when you are stunned? :P

You cannot block or evade or parry while stunned.

Shield size influence the number of attackers that you can block.
You can only block attacks that would have hit you.
You can only block in a frontal ARC (less than 180degree in front of you)
You can only Guard Block in a frontal ARC.
Guard block check are triggered when your guarded target is being hit, and it's the same chance everytime.
The order of defense is hit/miss if the result is a hit then- > evade - > parry -> block if all defense checks are unsuccessful then you take a hit.
When stunned the order of defense is only:

Smaller shield can block up to 1 attacker
Medium shield can block up to 2 attackers
Large shield can block up to 3 attackers

How it works:
If 5 mobs are aggroed the first 3,2,1 (depending on shield size) which hit will be categorized as blockable.
If the 5 mobs have different attack speed, then the first one who attacks on the next attack round will be the blockable one.

Endo cost is dependent on the speed of the shield.
Shields are slower the larger they are so endo cost increases with shield size.
Similarily shield DPS increases the larger the shield because the speed is slower.
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Eagle Knight
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Joined: Jan 11, 2017 21:32

Postby Requin » May 11, 2018 10:59

Requin wrote:
How it works:
If 5 mobs are aggroed the first 3,2,1 (depending on shield size) which hit will be categorized as blockable.
If the 5 mobs have different attack speed, then the first one who attacks on the next attack round will be the blockable one.

This I am not entirely sure, I read in a grab bag that blockable enemies are selected as the first attackers (1/2/3 depending on shield size S/M/L) in a 6 seconds window. I am not entirely how further attackers are selected if it depends on the attack round (turn based system) or on that 6 second interval.

using Tapatalk
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