RR6 Mentalist RVR Montage for 2018

Posts: 104
Joined: Sep 03, 2017 08:18

Postby Skullbones » Dec 23, 2018 04:18


Thanks to the power of selective editing, I am able to look much better than I am... and also you don't have watch a plethora of disappointing deaths! And now I present it to you in a 15 minute video. Be prepared for a healing pet to carry me, and for lots of I win button MoC kills.

Mentalist is a fun class with many tricks, many of them are in the video such as:

Releasing the pet to clear / break mezzes and roots.
331 Damage DD Staff for quick kills, interrupts, and slows.
Stealing the pet back from minstrels.
AoEing mile gate doors to pop stealthers.
Clever Sever the Tether use
Using baseline nuke for a .2 second quicker cast

Realm Abilities:
Mastery of Concentration
Sever the Tether or Concentration
Long Wind 1
Mastery of Art priority
Wild Power / Mastery of Magery secondary

Thanks everyone for playing Uthgard, it really has been a lot of fun this year... and I've admittingly sunk way more time into this game than I ever expected I would. Now I have a video to look back on the good times I had playing a mentalist on Uthgard.
Last edited by Skullbones on Dec 25, 2018 17:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Jan 15, 2014 00:55

Postby Vkejai » Dec 24, 2018 14:59

Loved the video, nice to see some solo action for a change of the normal 8v8 stuff on u tube. What spec you running ?

Gryphon Knight
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Postby morry1000 » Dec 24, 2018 16:39

Excellent vid :grin:

Posts: 4
Joined: Jun 12, 2018 13:54

Postby Tobb » Dec 25, 2018 14:21

nice vid :)

Posts: 104
Joined: Sep 03, 2017 08:18

Postby Skullbones » Dec 25, 2018 17:37

Thanks, guys.

The spec is 46 light 28 mentalism, seems to be the only viable spec at the moment. This gets you demezz and lets you charm up to level 51 pets (perhaps until rr5 you can only charm lvl 50?).

Other specs may be viable if the coming charm changes let you charm higher level pets.

Currently with 50 light skill you can charm up to 55, which gets you the orange dorocha pet in hib... but it doesn't beat out the empyrean pet. It's still fun to mess around with. This also lets you charm sage pets in alb which are the one really good pet that you don't get as 46 light.

48 Light should let you charm the lvl 53 sage pets as well, so you could be 48 light 23 mentalism and still have the highest possible mezz, but you miss out on the demezz for your groups.

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Postby Zaya » Dec 25, 2018 19:17

Like the video as well, karl is pretty awesome :) You were lucky he grouped you.

Best wishes

Posts: 104
Joined: Sep 03, 2017 08:18

Postby Skullbones » Dec 27, 2018 17:49

Zaya wrote:Like the video as well, karl is pretty awesome :) You were lucky he grouped you.

Best wishes

Haha truth :lol: :lol:

Posts: 104
Joined: Sep 03, 2017 08:18

Postby Skullbones » Jan 06, 2019 04:20

Skullbones wrote:Other specs may be viable if the coming charm changes let you charm higher level pets.

Currently with 50 light skill you can charm up to 55, which gets you the orange dorocha pet in hib... but it doesn't beat out the empyrean pet. It's still fun to mess around with. This also lets you charm sage pets in alb which are the one really good pet that you don't get as 46 light.

48 Light should let you charm the lvl 53 sage pets as well, so you could be 48 light 23 mentalism and still have the highest possible mezz, but you miss out on the demezz for your groups.

I tried this 48 light 24 mentalism spec the other day and with 48 light I was able to charm sage pets as expected. It does seem that with under RR5 you can only charm your skill +4. With RR5 you can charm your skill +5. Since the lowest sage I've found is 53, you'd need to be rr5 for this spec to work. I didn't stay this spec for long since because I was getting in groups and the lack of demezz was hurting big time.

The sage pet is cool, as it was healing for 480 dmg and throwing out a bunch of fireballs... but this spec is only really decent if you are always running around solo.

The recent changes to the charm skill haven't changed anything in a meaningful way. I still drop pets that are 6+ levels over my base light skill. While I do drop them less than before the recent change, they still drop relatively often which makes them unreliable to have as a pet.

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