Ranger Bow Damage

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Postby pirhana7 » May 03, 2016 03:03

I rememer back in the day alot of Ranger liked melee specs but said that the low bow skill still did decent damage. I remember Someone saying that just the bare minimum of letting bow auto train still did like 75% of the damage a full bow spec could do.

When archery changed later on you had to go high in Archery or you would basically do no damage, I remember this when I played a scout.

Now with the old system..Its says bow will auto train to 12. My question is even with low bow skill of 12 or 15 does that still do good damage, if i play a melee spec? Can I still hurt and even kill people with my bow?


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Postby Jaysun » May 11, 2016 16:43

you wont kill anyone with your bow because you'll have crap damage and huge variance. Perhaps someone that is AFK, BOw is the greatest damage a Ranger can put out, AT bow if you like then once you hit 48 respect to high Path/Bow
Jaysun - Valewalker

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Postby Makofan » May 17, 2016 23:12


Full bow spec does 100%-150%, so average 125%
AT bow will do like 25% to 125%, so average 63% or about half damage

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Postby pirhana7 » May 20, 2016 19:22

Makofan wrote:IIRC

Full bow spec does 100%-150%, so average 125%
AT bow will do like 25% to 125%, so average 63% or about half damage

On those % Are you basing AT bow off of just 12 bow? or having the 12 bow + 10 on gear to equal 22 bow?

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Postby Makofan » May 24, 2016 20:21

I was lazy and just basing on base spec. People who know DAOC better than me can probably post exact figures

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Postby pirhana7 » May 27, 2016 20:11

Makofan wrote:I was lazy and just basing on base spec. People who know DAOC better than me can probably post exact figures

You gave me numbers to work off so that helps alot! Was just looking at that base skill level and realized + bow on gear and RR ranks would basically double that number so that would make the damage % you gave go up alot.

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Postby Viensdanser » Jul 14, 2017 11:41

To the Developpers and gamemasters of Uthgard.


Actually, the damage with the bow for the ranger is very low now. It's not possible to hit with the bow. The arrows touch like a feather. The damage is very low. It's not the same with the scout, they hit normally with the bow. Could you repair that ?
It was not like this before. We are a guild of stealthers and all rangers see the same thing. Now, all rangers are disapointed and don't want to play because of that. Sniper melee is impossible to play. To up 50 a ranger, it's very difficult because no one wants to invite a ranger in a group. Don't break this class please. This low damage for the ranger is running since few weeks ago. Please, repair the damage bow quickly if you can, we ll be be thanfhul. Viensdanser, 4l4, Gm of Stealthzerg.

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Postby Blue » Jul 14, 2017 13:48

As I've written in the corresponding issue you must provide way more details beside the "scouts do more damage than rangers" argument.
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