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Hi everybody,
I've had some chats with rangers, guildies and others about a proper spec. And ofcourse I've read some of the previous posted threads, however I still have some questions which I hope some of you may answer. Q1. The shield AF buff is nice, even more nice on lvl 42. However it seems this AF buff only makes up for what you leave out on your armor. Meaning that when wearing MP armor, the buff does nothing. Or does it? What happens when I get AF debuffed? Does the AF buff make up for anything? Being it a base AF? Q2. Speccing high PF is nice for the D/Q. However... there are items, such as a cloak who have d/q charges with a 75 value. Is it worth lowering PF spec and just get the items / charges? Q3. The PF 46 DMG (9.4) add buff, how much is it actually doing, compared to the 36 (7.3) dmg add? Now, this question seems easy however take this in consideration. If Q1 and Q2 end up saying, skip PF for these two. Then it seems allot of points for PF just for a dmg add. Is the bow / mellee dmg not higher when keeping low PF and higher BOW, pierce and CD. (about 300 pts in PF).. Q4. So it is proven that when for instance at lvl 40. the D/Q buff says delve 42, it buffs for 51. Does adding +PF actually effect this? making the buffs more efficient? (like +PF on a crafted item just when casting) Q5. Some say 18CD is a must, because of the 4 sec side stun. (since the evade stun goes off every half blue moon). But considering we're low RR at start and most go for a build like this: rr3 based 37 st 35 bow? (40?) 46 pf 34 pierc 9 cd Or swap bow to 40 and 18 cd 37 st 40 bow 46pf 18 pierce?? 18 cd Now I understand specs are based on how you play, however. Given the RR, mellee toys are... a work in progress ![]() How you guys find lowering PF big time and rising other stats effective? Because the posts i've read all say something else. some tend to keep PF arround 20-30, others go way up like RonELuvv's sniper/hybrid specs please help ![]() Last edited by Tau on Mar 20, 2017 23:18, edited 1 time in total.
stolen info from other threads:
viewtopic.php?f=62&t=27267 Weaspon skill has been shown on Uthgard to not have as big of an effect as it did on live. Because of this many people will tell you that a person w/ 25 pierce spec will hit for around the same dmg as a person with 35 pierce spec. This is somewhat true. The maximum dmg will be about the same, but the variance in dmg will swing more drastically. For example, hypothetically a 25 pierce ranger may hit from 50-90 dmg whereas the 35 pierce spec will hit from 65-90. ** Those #'s were just made up to give an example. Bascially, spec'ing higher then 50-51 composite will not get you much of a difference in dmg. Most of the dmg increase comes from higher dex. **I found the post from Sethor an old GM for Uthgard. He posted the following chart of bow dmg based on several factors. He used a Saracen Scout, but the dmg variences will be the same for all archery classes. As you can see the cap dmg's from spec'ing 50 in bow as opposed to 35 in bow are not great for the amount of points spent. On a crit shot the cap difference is 56 and on a normal shot the cap difference is only 28. 5.5delay bow 16.5dps rr5 saracen scout 50bowspec: critshot-cap = 1070 | regular shot-cap = 535 | WS (using charge) = 1562 45bowspec: critshot-cap = 1052 | regular shot-cap = 526 | WS (using charge) = 1515 40bowspec: critshot-cap = 1034 | regular shot-cap = 517 | WS (using charge) = 1469 35bowspec: critshot-cap = 1014 | regular shot-cap = 507 | WS (using charge) = 1423 other link i checked: http://camelot.allakhazam.com/Ranger_Guide.html |
Are AF debuffs even a thing in 1.65? It is indeed a base AF and it doesn't allow to go higher than the AF cap. This changed in 1.7Xsomething.
Charges are VERY inconvenient. Not only that but your second to last buff is already better than charges (63*1.25 = 78), so to make charges worth using you would need to lower PF to let's say 36 (yellow damage add). But that doesn't look like a great idea to me unless 36 PF allows you to get a very good melee style and 40 PF doesn't, buffs are strong.
It's pure DPS, it doesn't scale with anything else, damage per hit depends entirely on your attack speed and the buff's value.
In my opinion, no. I played Thane, which is actually pretty similar (same damage add, same buff). I could have lowered Stormcalling and gotten my weapon line to 46 or more, but it definitely would not have been worth it. Buffs are way stronger than a few points in the weapon line.
It doesn't, D/Q is a spec buff and have a built-in 25% bonus. |
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