Can any1 have a quick look over my temp attempt?

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Postby Atum » Aug 30, 2017 07:01


I tried to do a "budget" temp for my vw, and by budget I mean without the Grand Summoner's Cloak xD as you maybe know that VW temp's aren't easy.

I suggest to make like it this here, maybe one of youg guys have last minute hints or whatever- I would really appr it!

Things that I can swap:

- low/mid cost jewelry, for example ring of elements / warshadow bracer / df belts etc. <3p
- the other worm bracer with 24 cons

-> Weapon will remain 99%
-> I know that Parry is important, but I'll stick in the beginning with smtg like 44 Scythe, 38 Arb and 30 Parry, so I can compensate the missing +11 in Parry with my spec
-> It is "only" a twink/alt, so I don't want to spend over 80p in it and that's why I don't wanna farm GH cloak for my first sc here

thanks in advance!

Moras Ausrüstungsplaner

Konfiguration Kurzreport für

Stärke: 74 Intelligenz: 75 Trefferpunkte: 204
Konst.: 74 Frömmigkeit: 0 Magiekraft : 0
Gesch.: 67 Charisma : 0
Schne.: 75 Emphatie : 0

Schlag : 24 (+3% Firbolg) Hitze : 19 (+5% Firbolg) Körper : 26
Schnitt: 26 (+2% Firbolg) Kälte : 28 Geist : 26
Stoß : 26 Materie: 26 Energie: 26

11 Arboreal Path
11 Scythe



Andere Boni:

Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (100% Qual)
Effekte: 3 Scythe, 25 Constitution, 22 Quickness, 9 Matter Resist
Nutzen: 64,5

Imbue Punkte: 37,0 von 32 (100% Qual)
Effekte: 25 Quickness, 4 Scythe, 25 Intelligence, 5 Slash Resist
Nutzen: 63,5

Imbue Punkte: 37,0 von 32 (100% Qual)
Effekte: 68 Hits, 3 Heat Resist, 4 Scythe, 28 Quickness
Nutzen: 61,8

Imbue Punkte: 37,0 von 32 (100% Qual)
Effekte: 4 Arboreal Path, 9 Matter Resist, 16 Strength, 9 Spirit Resist
Nutzen: 66,7

Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (100% Qual)
Effekte: 22 Intelligence, 11 Thrust Resist, 7 Slash Resist, 5 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 60,7

Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (100% Qual)
Effekte: 7 Energy Resist, 4 Arboreal Path, 9 Heat Resist, 9 Spirit Resist
Nutzen: 70,0

Imbue Punkte: 33,0 von 32 (99% Qual)
Effekte: 7 Energy Resist, 9 Body Resist, 7 Heat Resist, 3 Arboreal Path
Nutzen: 61,0

Hals: df dia
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
48 Hits, 7 Thrust Resist, 7 Body Resist, 7 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 54,0

Umhang: lost relics
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
22 Strength, 22 Constitution, 15 Dexterity, 40 Hits
Nutzen: 49,5

Juwel: df dia
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
10 Cold Resist, 10 Body Resist, 18 Strength
Nutzen: 52,1

Taille: fiosrach bann
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
6 Crush Resist, 6 Slash Resist, 48 Hits, 18 Intelligence
Nutzen: 48,1

Rechter Ring: shadowstrike
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
9 Constitution, 10 Dexterity, 10 Intelligence, 10 Crush Resist
Nutzen: 39,4

Linker Ring: df dia
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
18 Strength, 18 Constitution, 10 Cold Resist
Nutzen: 44,1

Rechtes Handgelenk: worked wormhide wrap
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
21 Dexterity, 8 Slash Resist, 8 Cold Resist, 8 Spirit Resist
Nutzen: 62,1

Linkes Handgelenk: tanned wormhide wrap
Stufe: 0 Qualität: 99% Bonus: 0%
21 Dexterity, 8 Matter Resist, 8 Thrust Resist, 8 Crush Resist
Nutzen: 62,1
Atum / Talmar

Bellum Potentiae / Genesis / Bonzenverein / Morrigans Breath

Log/Alb, Dm/Hib, Salis/Alb, Uth/Hib


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Postby Jerrian » Aug 30, 2017 23:35

Looks solid to me, but only if you ´ve /can effort the bracers ;-). Well, if you can effort the bracers you can also pay around 3p for a mp scythe to improve your temp maybe more.

Also it ´s important what you gonna do with your VW.
If you wanna do group play you don ´t need +parry. I would maybe gimp heat resi a bit more for capped dex if possible as you already cast slow as a bolg there ´s no need to drain Dex more.

If you plan to solo I would probably drain heat resi more for 11 parry. But that ´s just my opinion. :)

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Postby Equade » Aug 31, 2017 11:23


45 composite arboreal is enough for dmg variance (so you need +7 from RR's and items). You can lower arbo a bit.

You are a couple of points from capping dex but you have almost capped intelligence - I believe, particularly for your firbolg, that dex will be better for you for cast speed (and parry and evade). So I'd recommend that you lower int.

Out: a little arbo, int
In: slash resist, heat resist, dex, parry

If you don't solo then you hardly need parry. If you do, then I'd recommend to get it in.
Uth1: Equade rr10 ranger, Fight rr7 sb, Sinwar rr6 thane
Genesis: Swift rr7 champ, Reaperinho rr6 vw, Sinwar rr5 eld
Uth2: NS, VW and Eld

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