Warden is Flavor of the Month
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I didn't think Wardens would be useful at this patch level. But these past 2 months has made me a believer. Wardens are the highest demand class in NA Prime Time right now. And here is why:
1. Bubble - Every Midgard and Albion group runs a peel tank who's sole purpose is to disable 2-3 tanks. If they can get 3+ stuns within the first 10 seconds of the fight, then the match is won. Bubble completely messes this up for them. Watch how long it takes this warrior to even disable one player against a Warden group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbzsDK441Mk 2. Damage Add - The numbers don't look that high. But try it guys, you will feel the difference. You've seen it work wonders in a Bog group. Now see it in an RvR situation. 3. Interrupts - Wardens are like minstrels. Just pick a healer, stick, and spam styles. If you get rooted, whip out the bow skills. When you are pushing on an alb group, you are now the additional push tank. 4. TWF - This is your win button. If you get assjammed, just throw up TWF and now the match is even. If Albs try to extend you, just throw it on them. Healers trying to heal? Just throw it on them. 5. Heals - For the most part you'll be interrupting the enemy healer. But if your MA is getting a beatdown, you can help keep him alive. 6. Resists - Albs love to body debuff nuke their targets down. Warden body resist buff definitely helps with this. |
Got level 40 warden rr2l good hear this news I hope I get good guild and plenty grps for rvr at 50.
Looking forward being the support class. Not best healer Not best damage But some great utilitys and a all-rounder. I got say love pbt in pve even bomb grps you can turn it on save the casters in emergency give time for people to heal. |
new wardens may find getting groups difficult until you can make a name for yourself and establish yourself as a good player. there is a decent number of wardens already and breaking into the scene on uth can be difficult. dont get surprised or discouraged if you find yourself standing in DL lfg a lot, weve all been there. theres only ever going to be 1 warden per group so the waiting game can be intense.
Ecati - 50 Cleric, Leg SCer - Deleted |
Also good for battle rez from time to time.
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