solo warden spec
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With no shield spec in 1.65 if you want to solo on warden is this spec viable?
39 weapon 46 nurt (last damage add) 20 parry 17 regrow thanks |
If you are planning to just farm can't see any issues with that. However if you are thinking about RvR at some point there are somethings to consider.
Think the general consensus is that going to 49 Nurture for the last resist buff is mandatory as it's one of the main pulls of having a Warden. Especially if you are thinking about going that deep for the damage add anyways might as well. From there you have a choice going a Regrowth or Weapon skill route. While I believe in general playstyle preference of the player to make that decision, groups will tend to want you in that Off Healer slot. Bard already has a lot on their plate mid-battle, so it helps fill a needed gap. Which ever way you go you'll want 39 in that line with the rest dumped into the remaining line and maybe some parry, though keep in mind Parry is meh. So I suggest: 49 Nurture / 39 Regrowth / 10 Blade (Side Snare style) / Rest of the points wherever 49 Nurture / 39 Weapon / Rest in Regrowth What does this mean for leveling? Well without a respec stone the next best alternative is your 40 respec. If you are going an end game route of 39 Weapon, then you're good to just level right into that spec. If you are going into 39 Regrowth , you may want to spec out of your Weapon skill put 10 points in Blades, and the rest into Regrowth then finish out that way. With the combat speed and dmg add from Nuture you should be fine still solo but still slower than if you had kept with leveling Weapon skill of course. Good luck! |
39 regrowth? so that with +11 reg in the temp you cut the variance on heals? Is that the reason?
Your post contains some solid info other than that, but having read dozens of posts on various board regarding warden spec, I hav never once seen that mentioned as a stopping point for regrowth. Common warden specs (Nurt / Reg / Weap / Parry) 49 / 33 / 21 / 20 49 / 26 / 34 / 10 49 / 26 / 25 / 25 Just a few examples, I daresay as a solo warden you would be looking at less nurt / parry and more weapon therefore: 46 / 26 / 39 / 5 Tbh a lot of posts on here have alluded to the fact that weaponspec (especially on a class like Warden) makes feck all difference - how much more damage would be done from 21 spec right through to 39? 39+11 from temp cuts variance so might be worth it. Personally if my Warden ever hits 50 I doubt I would spec it higher than 34 weapon spec - bugger all returns for the pts imho. Just my 2 cents |
Yes Regrowth to 39 is for the reduction in variance with the +11. If you are going a more Off Healer route than Weapon Damage route. Really you only have enough points to be good in one or the other. The point investment just isn't there to make a "third" line. So you might as well be the best you can at it. The things you get in Regrowth really don't matter, it's really just making the heals consistent. But having some points left over for 10 in Blades for the utility of the Side snare is still a good investment.
It's the same reason I suggest going to 39 in weapons if you decide you want to Second that mainly again to help with variance. You can still go for the 44 style and forgo Regrowth all together, there are enough points for it. I would still suggest Blades as it has more utility while Blunt has more damage potential. But I feel like you are playing a utility class, so Blades fits better for the role. Again depends on what you are looking to get out of the class. One of the issues of hybrid classes in this game. Conceptually great, but in the realm of RvR battles and competition, their hybrid ways cause problems. You just don't have enough points to get the full benefit of being a hybrid. In most cases what you can bring others can't is in one line, after that you're just not good enough in the other areas or have enough points to bring a ton. In the case of the Warden, or class defining stuff is in Nurture, while we are left to determine what to do with the rest of our points. Our choice either Heal or do damage. Even at our best with a deep Weapon line we don't deal a ton of damage, so we have to look provide utility instead. Our healing on the other hand is pretty good and we can be good at that while still having enough points in Blades to provide utility. This is why it's the preferred path to take end game. But once again none of that matters if you plan to just Solo RvR or Solo farm. Just Max out to 46 Nurture as stated, dump everything else in the Weapon of choice and you're good to go. |
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