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Postby Genjiro » Jan 15, 2019 19:16

JOhnnyFerro wrote:I think you should look at the necro pet as the as the player instead for a second person in the group but

Sure, if it is related to the necro pet this is a bug and should be fixed.
I will take a look.

JOhnnyFerro wrote:I seriously doubt you will fix this.

Why not? If it is a bug it will be fixed.

JOhnnyFerro wrote:Such a shame you had another chance to make a good DAOC.

What does have a bug to do with this?
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Postby pweet » Jan 16, 2019 00:23

JOhnnyFerro wrote: I only want the granite belt of haste that Clud drops.

you do all the effort for a ****** belt? you do know the one from df for seals is almost identical?
well i can understand your frustration though. doesnt seem reasonable that you have to kill that many.

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Postby Abydos » Jan 16, 2019 20:33

You can kill as many as you want for the belt. Just don't expect things to be neutral/friendly on the way there...

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Postby Rendiviel » Jan 16, 2019 22:20

Abydos wrote:You can kill as many as you want for the belt. Just don't expect things to be neutral/friendly on the way there...

Confirmed, the Devs are a separate faction.

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Postby Abydos » Jan 16, 2019 22:28

Sorry I was just meaning to confirm that faction is unrelated to any drop chances.

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Postby JOhnnyFerro » Jan 29, 2019 07:53

pweet wrote:
JOhnnyFerro wrote: I only want the granite belt of haste that Clud drops.

you do all the effort for a ****** belt? you do know the one from df for seals is almost identical?
well i can understand your frustration though. doesnt seem reasonable that you have to kill that many.

I killed that many and they are still aggressive! Thinking that killing more will change my rep at this point is the definition
of insanity.
I finally surendered.
I never said faction would help with the belt dropping. I was hoping if I could go further in with good rep with the granites
that I might find a killable Clud because the one in the early part of Dartmoor is totally screwed up.

Clud is unavailable in the early part of dartmoor. He is seen around the old spawn spots but before you get to him
he is killed by Stonecrushers. Even if you get there in time to land some damage he never drops any loot for you.

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Postby RandomNoob » Sep 18, 2019 05:26

I dredged up this thread as I remembered reading it and have some troubles with the same issue....

I wanted to get one character friendly with the Drakulv just so I could run around a bit and explore the area. Thus I had intended to kill no Drakulv whatsoever, understanding how you have the 'leaders' set up to give large faction hits. Sadly, I forgot about this and for some reason did kill about 10 missionary/axehand/armguards as well as one low level named - Ljornm or something before I remembered my original plan.

So I had leveled/farmed extensively in Varulvahmn and had quite a good rep with the svartalfs as a result. I sat and killed roughly 1k svartalf infiltrators and finally they turned aggressive, and still no neutral faction with drakulvs. We are talking about one full day of real life play here to kill that many. Now I am back in Varulvahmn 'fixing' faction with Svarts so that I may again go waste inordinate amounts of time to kill them in hopes of making Drakulv's neutral.

Now I understand your desire to avoid letting people put in a minimum of effort to cheese friendly Drakulv faction and then roll around killing named with little consequence, but we are talking about many hours of gameplay.

The original poster asked you specifically for values....and both of you did not provide him with an answer. For example, I would like to know what is the default faction for Drakulv? -1000 -5000 -10000? Obviously something can be 'possible' without being 'feasible'. If you have set such a high bar for achieving neutral....something that is going to be immediately wiped out upon killing one low level drakulv boss...ask yourselves as developers...and ffs as human beings....is this good design? We are not talking about a real mob, one that gives marginally useful loot....like Yar or something. These are low level bosses that drop sub par, low utility, mediocre items that are entry level items for people trying to pvp.

So considering I killed one low level boss...please give me a rough estimate of how much more time I would have to spend to achieve neutral with drakulvs? One day, two days, a week of continuous boring killing of the same mobs over and over? This faction situation is quite possibly the most retarded thing I have seen here on Uthgard. (Please don't refer to 1.65 or live cause I have been friendly with Drakulvs before and I know better) Why did you even bother putting a system like this in place? You could have merely stated "we don't want you to be able to be friendly with Drakulv" and left it at that. This is a classic 'last straw' kind of thing where people play and put up with a lot but finally just lose their chit completely about something and stop playing here. If I was a gambling man...I would lay a large wager that the people who originated/posted in this thread no longer play here.

Please ffs toss us a bone. Just say hey default drakulv faction is X. Killing any named drakulv gives you a Y point hit to faction. It's your game and you run it as you see fit but people do deserve a bit of transparency.

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Postby Grahmdal » Sep 18, 2019 20:20

I got into Dartmoor farming a bit earlier this summer. I can say with certainty, it's impossible to maintain a good faction to freely roam, if that character is also going to kill named mobs of that faction (at least between Granite Giant and Stonecrush)

*Side note, why aren't Granite Giant Stonebreakers on Granite Giant faction? And what's with the one grape Stonecrush down in that corner by Kaq's back spawn that's not part of Stonecrush faction either? But w/e :P

Regarding Clud...

First of all, the belt doesn't have haste...it's honestly really only worth using if Body resist is already over capped (2x veiled bracer and DF neck) the only dartmoor drop w/ haste is the Bracer of Wondrous Alacrity (from a stonecrush named) but honestly just use Strong Draught of Speed....5s cooldown, and cheaper than recharging. Ok and one other item w/ 20% haste, but that's only for 60s.

Anyway, here are the spawns for Clud: (thx madskaiser! I penciled in the middle spawn)

The 2 northernmost camps are what I call "hot spawns" and Clud will die to Stonecrush within ~5-20 seconds of the game loading the mobs (this happens I think when a player is about 7000 units away...)

The southernmost spawn is also a "hotspawn" but only if the Stonecrush named Kul is also spawning there....and if Clud and Kul both spawn, Clud will actually kill Kul.

Now, all a player has to do to get drops, is out damage any 1 mob that's also attacking Clud (player needs to be the highest % dmg dealer)

Honestly, the easiest way to farm Clud is to have 3 characters. It's important to have good Stonecrush faction for the top 2 spawns...but on a fresh character 5-6 regular granite giants kills will be neutral Stonecrush. Any character that can dish out some damage will work...a level 44+ anything besides cleric should work. Log in, target clud, do dmg, stonecrush help finish him off if needed. The bottom camp can be done in the same way, with either a slightly stronger character to solo him, or again a level 44+ and bring him into some nearby Stonecrush to help kill him if needed. The middle camp is a bit fast paced, as depending on Stonecrush nameds spawned, Clud will have about 10 Stonecrush mobs attacking, stunning and nuking him...I used at the time a level 45 air theurg alt for a couple of quick nukes.

That all being said, every cool drop Clud has is I think around 1%-1.5% chance. Clud seems to respawn every 5m-5h randomly. Clud farming can be annoying, because if people are running around Dartmoor, they can easily trigger his spawn, and he dies, and some days it feels like Clud is never up...but there's probably just people XP'ing near his 2 northern spawns not noticing Clud popping up and dying in 10 seconds.

OK, enough about Clud!

Regarding how impossible it can feel to farm named mobs in the epic zone...(at least in Dartmoor, some level 51 nameds (with nice drops) can spawn right in the middle of a dozen or so reds & grapes...all with 1k aggro range and slightly above sprint speed)

This is easiest with a friend, basically one is the good faction pull character, the other is an aggro faction kill character.

Get a character with either end pots, or speed, and some repeatable ranged debuff/NS/CC. *Never kill a granite giant (or the hib/mid equivalent), sneak past, or CC past w/e granite giants you need to, and kill 5-6 Stonecrush...you are now neutral to Granite Giants....never ever kill one or try not to harm one...also avoid Dragon raids on this character* Use non-damaging spells to pull the named mob, and move it to your buddy in a near by safe spot. I like the ruined tower near Dragon in Dartmoor...most named mobs with nice drops spawn near there...

Now, if you don't have a friend...

Log your kill character in a safe spot, use your pull character to pull the mob in such a way that it will leash past your kill character after you log out of your pull character...this is easier than it sounds, as some epic zone Named mobs seem to have a delay before they leash...

And finally....


This named Stonecrush drops some cool loot, but he has one spawn absolutely buried behind Dura'ek now. Maybe that should be fixed...I don't know. If you happen to be farming Dura'ek, you probably have good Stonecrush faction (I should hope!) and if you want to be nice to your realm-mates...and you're waiting for Dura'ek to pop anyway....you can walk south along the western zone border until you see Kez (will have a av'owry right on top of him) if you send your pet (assuming you're a matter cab :P) on passive to the closest av'owry, then run down and pull Kez up with NS...just something nice to do as occasionally folks to still come down to that area looking for Kez and his loot (Greater theurg staff, and some template bracers).
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Postby RandomNoob » Oct 09, 2019 01:58

In the chance that a Midgard player is perusing this thread, let me offer an update on Malmo faction.

Per my rant earlier in the thread, I had inadvertently killed Ljornm and about 10 low level drakulvs. So I cannot say exactly what the 'default' standing is with the Drakulv. I was able to turn them neutral after killing about ~2k Svartalf Infiltrators...2k ffs lol.

Now after doing this I ran around the zone, ruded Yar, and peeped around here and there. I came across a BD soloing executioners near the Lair and not knowing the situation tossed her a heal when I ran by. Turns out she was probably fine but anyway, when the executioner died I took a faction hit as if I had killed the mob, as expected. So suddenly from that one kill Drakulv's are back to aggressive.

Ok not a problem, I'm right at the line between neutral/aggro with Drakulv. I suicided out on the dragon and a few days later went back to Varulvahm. Killed my usual 300-400 werewolves to bring my faction with Svarts up from borderline friendly/neutral into friendly territory. Ran down to Malmo and killed rougly 70-80 Svartalf Infiltrators which is enough to lower the faction back down to friendly/neutral border (Note the tiered system they have implemented here....one I've never seen, read about, or heard of in any iteration or version of DAoC....its not a one for one faction hit/boost, it depends on the level of the mob). After this Drakulv still aggressive.

Rinse and repeat the Varulv/Svart process. Nope Drakulv still aggressive. Do it a third time (mind you this is maybe 8 hours of gameplay we are talking about). Midway through killing the Svarts I checked and Drakulv had turned neutral. So basically killing one Executioner is worth killing ~170 Svartalf Infiltrators.

Now I could understand if I had killed one of their 'generals' per Abydos cryptic comment earlier in the thread. I would argue that Burr is not a 'general' nor should be classified as such...more like a second lieutenant. But anyway...evidently killing just a regular mob is enough to wreck your faction severely as described above. Mids, if for some reason you are interested in running Drakulv areas of Malmo safely, this is how it works...so don't be confused by the dev statements here which seem to intimate that Malmo faction works in any sort of 'reasonable' manner...and that killing 'generals' is all you need to ware of. I dared not kill a low level 'general' like Burr or Eorharn for testing purposes.....so I can't say how much the hit is on them at present.

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Postby Abydos » Oct 09, 2019 08:28

Without going through my post history I'm fairly sure I never implied anything was "reasonable" only "accurate"

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Postby Anomie » Apr 16, 2023 23:00

On a brand new Scout, with this challenge in mind of exploring Dartmoor, i stealthed into the stonecrush areas and killed several :hammer: hundred :hammer: stonecrush. (For the record the majority of these i killed from high up on the slope north of the northernmost camp, outside Clud's spawn-trigger radius, Bonz :D. I can be justifiably held accountable for a solid handful of wasted Clud spawns though, when i was farming about a hundred of the stonecrush in that hot-as-hades middle spawn location. My spot there may also have been just barely close enough to trigger his death at the northern spawn point, but i'd have to return there and get /loc for each and do some testing and calculations to be sure of that.)

On two or three occasions i accidentally body-pulled respawned giants. With 50 shield and sky-high dex, it was easy, albeit slow, to back around my 'enemy' mobs the stonecrush and then push the aggroed granite giant backwards into the stonecrush's aggro range, saving my arse without damaging the granite giant. The enemy of my enemy is my friend... or something.

Note that the only reactives i had on my armour/shield are ablatives and one damage add: No DD's, damage shield, or reactive heals.

I gave up on getting granite giants neutral on this character for now. I consider myself one of the craziest, most dogged PvE players i've met, and this was just too much time invested without success. And as mentioned by JOhnnyFERRO, i also deleted drops because i did this on a toon with only just enough crafting skill to make arrows on the run.

My initial plan after achieving neutral status with the granite giants was to use longshot to pull one of their named i wanted to kill, then log past the end of tether range and relog a kill toon near the mob's return path pretty much as suggested above. The reason i picked a Scout rather than Cabalist or Sorcerer was that i planned to kill granite giants with Cabs/Sorcerers, so they would never be able to maintain neutrality for pulling. Now that i may have witnessed possible faction hits due to aggroing--but not damaging--a mob killed by the stonecrush, i wonder if my plan to pull with longshot is also doomed. Could it be that when i've relogged my kill toon and killed the mob, i'll still take a faction hit on the logged-out Scout? I think i'll make another Sorcerer for the purpose of trying this with something that can pull at long range without doing damage. And if i do return to try with the Scout, i'll take two bows and make different arrows for the task: an un-enchanted poor quality bow and the lowest-accuracy long range arrows i can get, hoping for consistent misses.

That is, if the game masters don't get sick of our belly-aching and drop the server first. It's been fun, frustrating at times, but mostly fun. And what's this about a dragon?



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