Unable to sign in to launcher
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Yeah would be very appreciated ! So we can have more people leave the other so called Daoc server ![]() there are none so deaf as those who will not hear
Server up again and running!
Thank you, Blue! |
Still experiencing this issue. I'm able to sign in to my account, but unable to get my son signed into his. When I try to connect with google, it just doesn't let me sign in. I try using email, and it says that I already have a google account with that email. Please fix this, it's incredibly frustrating.
Yeah, still happens here
Sihunjan Corvette Others |
Yes, I'm still having the same login issue as Rendiviel reports above.
Kors on Alb, We Play for Keeps
Korzik on Hib, Celtic Crusaders Korik on Mid, Nordic Crusaders |
I had this issue a year ago give or take ... I got help from Abydos he reset my log in to microsoft account ... then it happened again I switched browser to Opera and every thing worked. When got a new computer same issue with edge and chrome, I got Opera and was able to log into server.
PS don't get Opera GX it has extras for gaming ... none of the extra features are worth it unless you like spam about usless games and gaming apps. |
Also don't log out of Open ID this might cause this. I am singed in with google with no problems. Deleting the wrong cookie can cause this as well.
Login with google and microsoft accounts should be fixed now.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
I can log in again. Thank you Blue. Uthgard 2.0 auto-bestiary Zones, maps, monsters, locations, items, drop rates and statistics.
DAoC game mechanics information templates, realm ranks, spell dmg type, melee speed, blocking, exp/group calculation Alb <M Y T H>: Citybilens, 50 Minstrel, Muchthinarms, 49 Paladin & Boltsarebroken, 48 Wizard Hib: April, 50 Eldritch Mid <Myth>: Direktoeren, 50 Shaman, Flammespyd, 50 Runemaster & Skambankeren, 50 Berzerker also Tesla coil and high voltage is my hobby |
Working for me again too, logging in via Google. Thanks for sorting it out.
My issue is resolved, thank you. I had downloaded Opera as well, so either it was that or Blue's fix, but in any event, I can now log in. Thanks all.
Kors on Alb, We Play for Keeps
Korzik on Hib, Celtic Crusaders Korik on Mid, Nordic Crusaders |
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